
How many Juzu do u read?

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How many Juzu do u read everyday in Ramadan? How many Khatms(finish)? & do u also have time for look into translations & other Ebadaat?Like?




  1. While in India, Ramadan was more utilized to it's timing and also reciting the Holy Quran and other Ibaadat. Here in Jeddah the days of Ramdan are night and nights are days. So very hard to keep a schedule. The best about here is praying behind very good Qar'is. I have very close to me Sheikh Taufeeq Saeg, Masha-Allah his Qiraat is so nice.  Check it here  and of course praying in Masjidul Haram. As for personal deeds, May Allah forgive me.

  2. I read one complete juz per day and sometimes more than one. I finish one Quran in Ramadan, Last year I did 2. I want to make it three and along with it comes Nafil prayers, ibadah n all. May Allah guide us and accept our prayers-ameen~!

    most of the times I read out the translations aloud to my grandmother too.. it gets so lovely then.. MashaAllah

  3. last Ramezan i read 1 timets all wuran in arabic and 1 time in transleate( farsi). what good manner we do in Ramezan have very Savab.

    as Our holy prophet told the best we can do in Ramedan is leave sin.

    means not do what is wrong in islam.

  4. I usually recommend that a person reads at least 1 juz a day so they can finish the Qur'aan in Ramadhaan, I dont see why a person cannot do more. Some people sleep all day to pass the time when they could be spending it in reading Qur'aan. As for other 'Ibaadaat, it's also sad that people rush to Taraaweeh but the lines for the 'ishaa are pathetic (this was in the west) The Ishaa is Fardh and the Taraaweeh is Nawaafil!! Allaahul Musta'aan.

    There are many Ibaadaat a person can do, such as seeking knowledge, dhikr of Allaah using legislated means, Du'aa, Nawaafil Salawaat, Sadaqah

  5. we some friends choose to finish Quran in five or six nights(taraweeh). so we gathered in a home of anyone and there we finish our first quran in taraweeh in just five or six days. it is due to fear that someone may not miss any taraweeh ( in 25, 27 or 29 days ) and he may loose any juz) and usually i finish two quran i ramdan,  and i am impressed by the schedule of some great people mentioned in Moulana Zakaria's (RA) Fazail-Ramdan, and also mentioned in his Autobiography, it is amazing, how they manage all the things, in ramdan.

  6. Alhamdulillah last Ramadan was Awesome!  I manages to go through reading the Quran twice, with translation, then i went back and tried to understand the 30th Juz, InshAllah i'm gonna try and do it better this year!

    Can't wait :P

  7. My Allah(swt) accept it, last Ramadan i finish reading Qur'an two time!!

    this one inshallah, i gonna try my best!! Most of the time after prayers I read surah Yaseen & Tabra!!

    when i was in Pakistan, i used to sit for Itekap in the Masjeed for 10 days, but here i can't, i love Itekaps!!

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