
How many KFC restaurant opened in India? In which cities?

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How many KFC restaurant opened in India? In which cities?




  1. too many

  2. 6,523 have opened - they even have some vegetarian stores called Kentucky Fried Chickpeas

  3. One in each city

  4. Don't ask this question on a public website.

    PETA people will sue you.

    Beware dude..... !!!!!

  5. India

    In India, KFC has not established itself in any large way as opposed to another Yum! brand-name restaurant, Pizza Hut, which is prevalent in most Indian cities. It has outlets in Chandigarh, Mumbai and Bangalore. The success of the Mumbai restaurant led KFC to introduce the hot and spicy chicken flavour which is more acceptable to the Indian palate. More recently, KFC has opened outlets in Chennai, Tharamani and Mylapore.

    In October 2006, KFC announced that it would begin frying its chicken in trans fat-free oil. This would also apply to their potato wedges and other fried foods, however, the biscuits, macaroni and cheese, and mashed potatoes would still contain trans fat. Trans fat-free soybean oil was introduced in all KFC restaurants in the U.S. by 30 April 2007. CSPI announced that it would immediately drop its lawsuit against KFC and was hopeful that this would create a ripple effect on other restaurants or fast food chains that prepare food rich in trans fat. "If KFC, which deep-fries almost everything, can get the artificial trans fat out of its frying oil, anyone can," CSPI Executive Director Michael Jacobson said in a statement.[16]

    KFC has been accused of a large destruction of the Amazon Rainforest, because the supply of soy used for chicken food KFC receives from Cargill has been traced back to the European KFC. Cargill has reportedly been exporting soy illegally for several years.[28] The Greenpeace organization researched the issue and brought it to the attention of the parent company YUM! Brands, Inc. The parent company denied the illegal operation, and said that their supply of soy is grown in parts of Brazil.[28] Greenpeace has called on KFC to stop purchasing soy from Cargill, to avoid contributing to the destruction of the Amazon.[28][29]

  6. y do u want 2 know and y is it important???

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