
How many Lactaid pills should I take?

by  |  earlier

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ok so right now I just recently started taking Lactaid pills because I seem to be feeling better after. (no gas and constipation) I went to the doctor and she did some blood tests and referred me to a GI so I could possibly be tested for lactose intolerance through a hydrogen breath test I believe. my question is since I still feel bad after eating something really small like 3 mini pieces of chocolate should I take like 3 or 4 when I eat something with more lactose in it like pizza? Right now ive been taking 2 and it seems to help with the smaller amounts of lactose in food. I'm afraid if I take 3 or 4 I will have an upset stomach. Theres no way you can overdose on them right?




  1. try 2:]

  2. Check the dosage, if your still not sure ask your Dr.

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