
How many MORE questions must we answer tonight about byb??? Have we received enough tonight??

by  |  earlier

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Breaks my heart. Is it just me that is so frustrated with BYB's tonight, or are you also???

I think I must take a break from YA Dogs for a bit! Is it just me?





  1. For all of you that don't know, a BYB is a back yard breeder, referring to someone who breeds their dogs for fun or for the sake of breeding dogs. While you should only breed dogs that are champions and have titles in more than one field and exhibit no health problems. BYBs do not care if the dog is healthy or not when they breed it and often they breed only for money.

    And for your question, it is sick that people do this. A person who is so inconsiderate, neglectful, and stupid should not be able to own a dog let alone breed a dog. These people are just a waste of space and air and should be arrested for animal abuse. I hate them.

  2. School is back in session so all of the "how do I make my parents get me a dog?" questions have slowed down.

    Now its idiotic adults who are planning breedings so they will have "christmas puppies" for sale!  GAG!

  3. Well don't know what byb is????????/

  4. It's labor day.  All the BYBs have the day off and trying to fill shelters to the rafters.  

  5. I gave myself a massive hangover today from last nights questions and am pretty much avoiding the boards for awhile at least tonight

    ADD: Has anyone heard anything on Meg or anything about her dog's pups?

  6. BYB- Back Yard Breeder.

    Yeah, it gets old, but I've learned to tune it out.

    I'm just wondering how many different ID's a certain troll will make before the end of the night.  

  7. I exhibit and breed show poms.  

    Cant tell you the emails i get day after day "i want a female dog to breed with"

    all mine go on desexing contract. no signature, no dog.

    Its no point educating, as most people think it is thier right to breed a badly bred dog at the start, and its the normal people who have sick, unhealthy dogs that the owners have to pay thousands of dollars in vet bills.

  8. WHAT THE h**l IS ''BYB''

  9. NEVER!!!

    Lets take a break together, and get clean.... I am so addicted. BUT I'm sick to my tummy, and there's nothing else for me to do!!!

  10. i'm not even bothering to answer breading ques tonight. they won't listen anyway. and i'm too tired.

  11. For me it gets harder and harder to  even want to look at this site anymore cause of all the ignorance that goes on.

    It breaks my heart to think more unwanted pets in the pounds being euthanized for no good reason !

    Just keep hating people more and more and more...

  12. Seems to me theres tons of questions that are pretty much the same questions being asked but not always by the same nickname.. thats what gets annoying to me.. and then having YA delete the answer cause it don't suit there fancy..

  13. whats BYB

  14. no it is deff. not just you I have been signing on a lot less than normal as well too many trolls

  15. I'm not getting frustrated. I like answering/helping people with things unless they ask something stupid, but hey if you answer it thats another 2points for you!


  16. More than enough!

    It makes me sick to know there are so many people that do that.

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