
How many MPs will be in the Commons when their salaries are being negotiated?...?

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  1. bet your boots they will all be there.

  2. Almost 100% !!!

  3. When it comes to the question of money!These MPs are the quicker than 'greased lightning' to award themselves an above inflationary salary increase!Never mind the Fireman and Police personnel who routinely put their lives on the line!Or the Nurse who has to look after the sick and infirm and last but certainly not least!What about the British soldier who has to sweep up the mess after these cretinous Labour MPs have got them into!Litterally by paying with their blood!Some of them only 18 and 19years of age!They ought to hang their heads in  eternal shame!!I bet they do not think of those poor lads and daughters  or their families when they put their long long snouts in the  financial trough!

  4. It will be a full, or nearly full House.

    They are the only group of 'employees' hat can vote themselves pay rises.  Usually way above the figure we are told is the measure of inflation.  2%-3%? rubbish.

    Do my grocery shopping today and compare it with even 6 months ago!

  5. Rest assured the place will be packed with porkers all fighting to ensure their snouts are in the trough !.

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