
How many McDonalds meals are acceptable to eat in a month if you run track?

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i gotta have my bic mac onece in a while, but i dont want to be a "BIG MAC ON THE TRAK" if ya catch my drift




  1. u could have a big mac everyday as long as u keep in shape, jeez your a kid not a 40 year old man its easy to burn fat as a teen

  2. psh if i ran track id eat fast food all the time because you burn it all off..youre lucky :/

  3. I suggest just cutting it down to just twice in a month.

    They're really bad for you and I don't recommend them.

    Hahaha, big mac on the track. (:

    Just try not to eat it if you can resist.

  4. how about 1 after every 1st place win. that way you will be wanting to win so you can eat that tasty big mac

  5. The sandwich itself is not that bad for you. It's definitely not the best thing you can eat, but it's not going to ruin your diet if you are active and otherwise eat healthy.

    The fries and the drink are what makes it so evil. The fries are loaded with sodium, which makes you retain water and feel sluggish. The soda is loaded with sugar (300 cal for regular soda) , and their regular milkshakes have about 1000 calories (I didn't add a 0, it's really 1000 calories per shake).

    A sandwich is OK once in awhile, just keep the fries small and skip the soda.

    How often is too often depends on your body. If you're trying really hard to improve your time for a big competition or to make a prestigious college team , you should avoid them at all costs. If you're just competing on a normal team, probably once a week would be fine.

  6. how many can you eat before your performance suffers?  every body is different.  

    That being said, you should eat zero of things - ever.  They're horrible for your body and not just nutrionally.  There's chemicals in that stuff the names of which you can't even read, much less pronounce.

    Eating a lean-beef burger with all the trimmings is not actually bad for you.  What you get at McDonald's is... a highly suspect food like substance with dubious biolocal side effects.  

  7. Hmm well you run on track. so you'd loose the fat straight away.

    Well if i were to runner, i would say that three McDonald's meals are acceptable per month.

  8. once a month. every thing in moderation. Cook your own meals. They are the best like in the past

  9. Never. Fast food sucks.

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