
How many Melbourne Yahoo answerers would be brave enough for a?

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Melbourne Yahoo Answers Get together ?

Nothing weird or kinky ( sorry ) but just a basic Face to name meeting ?




  1. Stranger Danger.

    I live in the Denver anyways.

    In the U.S.A, if we really need to go somewhere which seems dangerous, we go 'packing' i.e. bring a gun for protection.

  2. I'd be happy  to have a cuppa with you any day, Jen. But I'm in Sydney :(


    Nice suggestion Jen! Acland St, St Kilda is my favourite place. If I am down that way then I will be in contact.

  3. If you're REALLY brave..... thrown an open-house party like Corey, and invite all Melbournites on Yahoo Answers :D

  4. Sounds good though i'm neither from sydney nor melbourne or fom any part of Oz :( and i'm not ozzie,lol but it would be nice to meet you though if i am welcome :)

  5. i'm 14 so i'm probs too vulnerable to take part in a melbourne get together

    but i do support the idea

  6. I'd be up for it, Jenny!  I'm not into pissups either.  Coffee is strong enough for me, LOL.  The only problem is agreeing on a suitable venue.  I've tried to organise this sort of thing through the "Meetups" website, but what happens is either no one turns up, or you miss each other because you don't know what each other looks like.

    Can you suggest how to get around these little hiccups?

    ((For anyone who's interested, here's a link to

  7. I'm from Sydney but anywayz ♥

  8. Just a thought.

    A "get together" might not be a good idea as you might think. Realistically, how many people you know well enough to meet? We ALL behave differently online and our likes and dislikes are not so obvious to others. Meeting people face to face is different to meeting online. For example.. we might get along well here but once we meet them, we might actually find that the other person holds a view that we strongly object to (religious view, family values, personal habits etc).

    Meeting people we met on the internet CAN be great but it can also be disappointing. So.. be prepared for that.

    NOT that I am discouraging you. But I suggest you get to know someone online long enough FIRST, and then meet with only, say,  ONE or TWO (may be three) people at any one time. A small group would be better.

    I personally have met two people I got to know from here. But I met them separately - although the locations had something to do with it - one in Sydney and the other in Melbourne. But I certainly have known them online for quite a while.

    The idea is good but I would advise against a large group. Any young person who want to attend such meeting, I would suggest that your parent(s) also go along.


  9. Maybe but i'm not sure because no one knows each other on the web.

  10. I would come but I am in Sydney. No harm in trying.

  11. Well i have already thought of that,i frequent another place in yahoo and have found out there are a few Victorians who live with in 2 hrs of me,we have talked about a big p**s on but its never happened,i think it would have to be at a pub or club and easy for everyone to get to,but most of all you have to have the numbers or no-one will bother turning up...

    I dont know if i could be in it..Got kids to look after...

  12. I would be but I am a bit far away but if you are ever over in the West call in any time.

    My daughter will be coming to live in Melbourne in a few months so when I visit her we will have a cuppa.

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