
How many Muslims now live in Europe due to immigration?

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Any ideas please?

20 million maybe?

(Turkey is not yet in EU, and has 69 million Muslims).




  1. how many muslims live in Europe because they were born there?

  2. According to , there are 53 million Muslims in Europe and 16 million in the EU. Most will be native though, and not immigrants.

  3. Go and ask a dutch person, chanes are they'll go mental. I was in utrecht recently and couldnt believe it. But are any parts of holland as bad as some of the northern towns of the uk?

  4. From what I keep hearing ...TOO MANY!

    We can feel  your pain Europe.

  5. im not bothered , im more worried about male priests , having no one to preach to on a sunday and marrying each other just to past the time....

  6. Who really cares and what difference does it make if they are Muslim or not?

  7. too many, and many white people who support and defend them, even after their latest bombing, riot, or death threats

  8. io dico no alla TURCHIA nell'UE

    i turchi mi sono simpatici ma tra loro c'è sempre qualche fondamentalista

  9. More than that and that's just the legal ones, illegal ones extra - we are not allowed to count them in case we annoy them!

    For all intents and purposes Turkey is already in !! the EU Treaty has ensured you or I do not get a say in the matter. So may as well get ready for them.

  10. too many but thats my opinion

  11. how could u say Turkey is not in the EU brother? they play European football.1 billion is my estimate

  12. According to the net at least 16 million-or at least 85 million if you include Turkey.Not all are from immigration though-several countires -e.g. Bosnia-have had large Muslim populations for centuries.

    What difference does it make?

  13. does it matter?????

  14. Visit the site below where you can find the numbers of Muslins in each European  country and add them together to get the answer you require.


  15. There are approximately 16 million Muslims living in Europe.

    Thats approx. 3.2% of the total EU population.

    They didnt all immigrate here, a few of the Balkan countires have large muslim populations most are natives not immigrants.

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