
How many NSWRL/NRL teams have folded or merged in the last 25 years???

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The AFL have had South Melbourne re locate to Sydney and Fitzroy merge with the Brisbane Bears, both sides have been great success's in there respective cities, crowd and membership numbers prove this, the NRL have a disastrous record trying to keep teams afloat, it says a lot about the so called popularity of the game, dosent it,




  1. whats you problem mate, AFL is not even wanted in queensland it's like the red hair kid in the family of all black hair you just have to put up with it and hopfully one day it will go away and it has no competitors in other countries and dont go on about ireland, it got no world cup, no state of origin, no nothing

  2. oh im sooory but didn't the Demons NEED people to donate money to them to keep them alive? and is it the Kangaroos or the Bulldogs that are already broke and have $0 surlpus and only survive on regular funding from the AFL???? That's almost as sad as the person asking this question

  3. Folded Teams: Newtown Jets, North Sydney Bears, Adelaide Rams, Perth Reds, South Queensland Crushers, Northern Eagles, and Gold Coast (Giants, Seagulls, Chargers).

    Merged: St George Dragons and Illawarra Steelers (St George Illawarra), Balmain Tigers and Western Suburbs Magpies (West Tigers).

    The Gold Coast side now in the comp is a different franchise from the one mentioned above.

  4. Newtown Jets eased out of competition shortly after making grand final

    South Queensland Crushers, Western Reds, Adelaide Rams, Hunter Mariners, original Gold Coast side  various names have also folded.

    St George and Illawarra merged (takeover?), Western Suburbs and Balmain merged and Norths and Manly  merged to become the Northern Eagles. Partnership broke down and Manly stayed in NRL and Norths got shafted.

  5. Geestar

    for an AFL fan you spend alot of time discussing the great game of Rugby League.

    Jealousy perhaps?

  6. You must have the dream life sitting behind your computer screen reading AFL stats on Wikipedia and than being a hero stating everything you just read on here, and you wait, and wait, as soon as you see an answer from a NRL fan you hit the Add button and be sooo clever with your return insults. We are so jealous of how d**n cool you are.Serious, why do you bother, does it boost your ego that your such a little mischievous bugger over the internet or are you just that g*y. No matter what the crowd numbers and your memberships say, you g*y ******* will never, ever be the real, true men that NRL players are. Girls can kick a ball to each other all day long, AFL is such a poofy sport, if you asked me what I'd prefer to follow, an exciting game of full contact, real sport or a touch little embarrassing girly game where metro boys run and kick a ball around an oval trying to kick it between sticks who rely on crowd numbers to make their sport sound better... Sure know what I would choose! Not the one females play! Your the biggest joke ever *****

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