
How many NY Regents do i need.?

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OK i have 5 ny regents mathA,Biology,Usand Global History,and english. Do i need earth science do graduate.




  1. i think it depends on your schools graduation requirements doesnt it?

    it might also depend on the year you started high school

    and whether or not you want a regents diploma or just a local diploma

    at my school somone who entered ninth grade in 2004(seniors) need to pass 5 regents with a 65 or higher but if they want a local they only have to have 1-5 regents tests where they got a 55-64

    but juniors have to have 2 tests where they got 65+ and 3 tests where they got 55-64 thats for a local and for a regents diploma they have to get 5 with a 65 or higher

    so basically if your aiming for a regents diploma and those five regents you got a 65 or higher you are all set

    and one bit of advice if one of those is not a 65 you will have to take it again or just take another course with a regents i would suggest earth science it is the easiest regents there is

    i took it freshman year and didnt know anything didnt study and i got a 89

  2. in my school, you need 2 science regents and 2 math ones to graduate....depends where u go.

  3. u have to talk to ur guidance counselor. in my yrs, it was like, 3 maths, 2 sciences, 1 language i believe, 1 english, dont remember taking a history... but u might have been able to substitute is for another regent (maybe the language?). i thought i only needed 1 science so i did biology regents... i didnt get my regents diploma because my guidance counselor didnt tell me i needed 2 biologies... that SUCKED!! took all those regents for nothing... but at the end of the day, regents dont matter. take AP courses better, they count as college credits.

  4. not to graduate, no. To graduate you only need math A, bio, Global, and English. However if you want the advanced regents diploma you need math B, US, Foreign language, and an additional science regents (chemisty, Physics, earth science). So no, you dont need earth science to graduate, but if you want the advanced regents diploma(which you should), you still need an extra science, language, and math B

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