
How many OBAMA supporters remember who neville chamberlain was?

by Guest66636  |  earlier

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despite whatever good or bad he did in his life, he is forever known for trying to negotiate with "terrorists"




  1. I think people are missing the point when they defend Chamberlain.  His worst crime was not trying to negotiate a peace with Hitler it was trying to appease him by cutting loose Czechoslovakia.  It isn't the desire for peace that made him so bad it was the fact that he was willing to give up so much in order to obtain that peace.  Hitler knew how weak the man was and knew that he would have little resistance in western Europe.

    My fear is that we'll have a Chamberlain in office no matter who wins in November.  No matter what anyone thinks of Bush he is at least the only president in the last 60 years to do anything about the middle east problem.  Every other president ran away when terrorists struck which is why they all should share blame for 9-11.  The terrorists had plenty of time to grow stronger since nobody did anything about them.

  2. Chamberlain was totally out of his depth in dealing with Hitler. You really have to be English to understand this, and the sort of background he came from. Hitler is reputed to have said, after Munich, 'if that stupid old man with his umbrella comes poking his nose in again, I'll kick him down the stairs'. You must also remember that Chamberlain and his Government were of a generation that had lived through the horrors of WWI and were desperate to spare Europe another such bloodbath. Hitler wasn't interested in negotiation of any sort. If Chamberlain had refused to sign the Munich agreement, Hitler would still have taken the Sudetenland.WW2 might have come much earlier when Great Britain was unprepared and possibly could not have withstood a German invasion. You Americans could have been faced with the possibility of a n**i Germany with the A-bomb and the ability to deliver it to the Eastern Seaboard, at least. To try and draw any parallels with the present is, IMHO, quite stupid. Chamberlain was dealing with a Government which was known and the legitimacy of which, rightly or wrongly, had been acknowledged, not with a bunch of maybe mythical terrorists and a bogeyman possibly hidden in a cave somewhere in Pakistan or Afghanistan. The Germans under Hitler rearmed themselves and didn't get help from a Government which later decided an illegal invasion of the rearmed country would be a good idea.

  3. Probably about the same percentage of McCain supporters who know who Urban II was.

    Maybe you have heard of him.  He launched armies to impose his beliefs on a foreign people.  The war he started has been going on for nearly a thousand years.

  4. Certainly I remember who Chamberlain was.  As Keith Olbermann pointed out, its approach to its critics, especially hawkish ones like Churchill, was very similar to the Bush Administration's.  That is, marginalize anyone who criticizes your policies, accuse them of disloyalty, and question their sanity and/or intelligence.

    Why would I want a continuation of that kind of attitude in the people I put in the White House to govern me?

  5. The problem you have is that the rest of the world thinks "Hitler" is in the  Whitehouse.

  6. Many, well known who Chamberlain was.

    John McCain was bombing people in a part of the World we had not declared war upon, making him a terrorist.

    So just what do you think is Obama negotiating with John McCain about?

  7. He is generally regarded as an appeaser. In fact, that word is always

    used in opposition to his name in history, but in fact he was convinced

    that he had achieved "peace in his time" by his ameliorative attempts.

    He was really the "old world" dealing inadequately with the new, and

    being unable to grasp that it actually EXISTED, evil as it was. He wanted to wish it out of existence.  

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