
How many P A s will vote for Rex when they just go to get the coffee Just who does he think he is?

by  |  earlier

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I am not a P A I am a cook




  1. he is full of s**t thats Rex for ya  

  2. He is JOKING.  As he often is when people think he is being nasty.  People seem to have a sense of humour by-pass with regards to Rex.  I love his humour.    

  3. Probably none ..... according to Rex they only know how to run around after tea and coffee. Surely they don't know how to use the phone do they? Talk about rude.

    What a complete a***e he is.

    I wish I could spit and f**t in his food.  

  4. He was talking to Kat who seemed to think being a PA was a very stressful job.  All jobs can be stressful, of course, but I think he was right in saying that being a PA is not the most stressful occupation

  5. Oh come on lighten up ffs, it was, like most of the things Rex comes out with exaggerated for comic effect.

  6. He certainly has no idea how much responsibility a PA has does he or even knows what a PA does!  And did you notice how he lumped chef in with doctors, stockbrokers and the like?  The man is soooooooooo deluded.

  7. I'm beginning to think that everything that comes out of Rex's mouth is a fabrication....I mean...look at the way he described Nicole compared to the way she really was...

    The guy is a pi*s taker.

  8. hope he gets his a** kicked when he comes out

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