
How many Paranormal State shows have there been since it first came on?

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I think I might have watched 3. Tonight I decided to give it another try and guess what happened again...the same show I had seen before was on. How are those for odds? Could there be some reason this happens so often? Do they show this same one every week?(about the man who works at a cemetery)




  1. As long as it has been coming on it seems every time I catch it, it is always an episode I have seen already. I think I have only watched six or seven different shows. Last night there a new one on, about the lady and the voice recordings. That was Sunday night. Maybe I will try again next Sunday !!

  2. Around 20 I believe. I must say I was not impressed with any of the "evidence" they ever came up with. If it comes back on, I doubt I would watch it again. Even Ghost Hunters is getting old. It's all "ooh...did you hear that?" anymore.

  3. There are only 19 episode so far, so it's not surprising you keep seeing the same ones. I saw that cemetery episode last night too.

  4. Y!A won't let me answer the question with the necessary link.

  5. I am not sure, I think about 20 or so.  They do start new episodes next week.

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