
How many Penguin fans do you think will be sitting in Joe Louis Arena Saturday?

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Since the Pittsburgh fans are known to go to great lengths to follow their sports teams, how many fans in the seats will be wearing black and gold on Saturday. I've read where "Hockey Town" has not been selling out their games recently and I'm sure PGH fans were ready and waiting to snatch up the tickets. Detroit is an easy drive from PGH (just check video from '06 SuperBowl).

Do you think enough Penguin fans will be present and be vocal enough to make a difference in the game?




  1. I don't doubt that there will be a lot. But If you notice, there's a lot of Wings fans at Every Arena.

  2. No, Joe Louis is a hideous stadium, but they get enough fans, especially in the playoffs. I doubt there will be that many Pens fans there.

  3. 1 thing is for sure, this is going to be an exciting event to watch. I can't say I am true fan of the Pens, but if they show up to play to win, Detroit is going to have some problems. Watching them against Philly shows this to be fact.

  4. A couple hundred

  5. Don't think it will be too many.  Gas is a lot for driving from Penn.  But hey, if they want to shell out the cash to help pad the Wings pockets, go for it.

    I will say this though... There will be more Red Wings fans in Pittsburgh than Penguins fans in Detroit.  Its just the way it always is.

    GO WINGS!!!

  6. First off you are sadly mistaken...Wings games have been sold out all season.  I am a season ticket holder and the place is always packed.  Alot of companies buy tickets to give away to vendors and such and people don't always show.  Have to work, gas is VERY expensive and there are tons of other reasons why people might now show.  Me on the other hand, ALWAYS THERE.

    But to answer your ?...I think there will be quite a few Pens fans there.

  7. Not too many.  The Joe has been sold out every playoff game.

    You are looking at regular season % capacity not seats sold.  They have one of the bigger arenas in the NHL and even in a very down year they are 7th in actual attendance.

    Look at the past seasons attendance.  Its obvious that the Wings are well supported and some places seem to have different fire codes allowing for them to sell so far over capacity or in Montreals case a larger arena.

    2007 - 2nd and 100% capacity.

    2006 - 3rd and 100% capacity.

    2004 - 2nd and 100.1% capacity.

    2003 - 3rd and 100% capacity.

    2002 - 1st and 100% capacity.

    2001 - 2nd and 99.7% capacity.

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