
How many People attended your wedding

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If your not married how many would you invite as a total,.




  1. I am inviting about 75, as we're trying to keep costs down. I'm guessing about 60 will end up coming.

  2. I'm inviting 30.  These 30 already want to attend, so if they don't show, it's just unavoidable (illness or something).

    I agree with the poster that this number isn't as festive as a larger number, but on the other hand, we're not going into debt and inviting a bunch of people I don't know.

  3. 150 in total...and it's been a great  year!!!

  4. We invited around 150-160 but if it was MY way, I would of had a destination wedding and invite no more then 20. Planning a wedding sucks and when you have VERY verbal parents who HAVE TO or MUST have this or that, the experience sucks.

  5. i would invite about 50 to the day and another 50 to the evening reception.

  6. about 35 at the actual ceremony, and then 200+ at the reception held later

  7. We are inviting 150 (170 with kids)...we havent got the final figure yet as i've been quite late sending invites out....We are both from large families and have had many arguements about who to invite....Like many posters if i had my way i would elope to a beach and marry...I really did not want to spend my wedding speaking and meeting people i dont already know and wanted something very rationale is the people who love you will understand your choices and those who dont we who cares....The wedding is for the 2 of you so worrying about inviting such and such who cleaned your diaper once when you were 1 is really a waste of time in my opinion.

    It helps to think of people who have really made a difference in your life, who you see and count as a friend, family members that dont ***** and are sure to criticise your day....It is YOUR day and there is a credit crunch to take into account!!

  8. At my first wedding there were 10 people there including me and my hubby.

    This time around I wanted the big[er] wedding... we are inviting about 110. We pared that down due to budget, we started with a list 0f 350.

  9. My fiancee's family is HUGE!!! all of his first cousins who got married had wedding of 350-400 people. And we know it's going to total up to that much for us!!i am jealous of those people that get married somewhere on an island with just them!! i want that too...but we gotta do it the Big Fat way

  10. First wedding-120

    Second wedding-17

    Second was a LOT more fun.  Better marriage, too!

  11. I had about 125, which seemed perfect for the location.

  12. about 200

  13. i invited 8 people no need for a bunch of people who didnt really care anyway

  14. Invited about 180, but ended up with a total of 112 at the reception.

  15. About 100, but only the wedding and most of them (due to time) will only attend the reception.

    Dinner less than 20

  16. We're inviting about 70, and expecting 60 or so to show up.  About 15 will be my fiance's parents' friends (bleh to that, but they're paying for the food, so I don't midn too just takes away from the personal aspect).  I don't know how people can invite hundreds of people.  I just want to invite people who have had meaning in our lives.  People who have been a part of who I am.  I know girls who have guest lists at about 1000.  Seriously.  

    Intimate weddings are so much more awesome

  17. We are inviting 201 people. If the church held more we would invite more.

    We are expecting between 150 to all 201 people to come.

  18. 50 of our family members and close friends. It was very intimate  

  19. We are planning on about 15 people (only very close friends and family) since we are having a destination wedding.  We plan on inviting around 90-100 people to our reception at a later date.

  20. First time about a hundred.

    Second time - two - and it was the far better of the two weddings.

    We had a ball!

  21. We had 20 people at the wedding and at our reception.

  22. i was writing out our guest list last night and have got about 60 for the reception but havent looked at the evening do yet!

  23. 435, I grew up in a small town and my husband from another small town and we where both very involved in our comunity. So when it came down to it we just could not figure out where to draw the line.

    It was alot of work trying to make the rounds of seeing everyone but well worth it because everyone sem to have a great time.

    But remember the more people the more work the more money.....But where do you draw the line and whose feelings do you hurt.

  24. Three - the photographer, the registrar and the manager of the Hotel. We married in Mauritius on the beach. Bliss............

  25. 15 people..  

  26. We had 68 mainly close family to the day and 250 friends and family for the evening do.It was a fab day!!

  27. We invited 150 people, only 100 showed up.

  28. we are at 176 and still going both are from big familys , if i had my way it be 20 and that that but everyone we are inviting are close ot us

  29. We had 135. As a guest at over 30 weddings I would have to say that between 75 and 125 is best. Less doesn't seem as festive and more than that is too many people to feel intimate.  

  30. 2, the bride and groom.

  31. We had 200 - very traditional wedding with church ceremony, dinner, reception/dance.

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