
How many Prophets / Religions were there in total? ?

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Okay so how many Prophets / Religions came before Islam? I still haven't figured it out and always wondered how many religions and messengers were there before Islam came... I want to understand Islam more.. So thanks and answer me!




  1. Well, according to Muslims...everyone is a Muslim and every famous person in history was a Muslim. Most were Islamic prophets (even if they never even heard of Islam). Budha, Alexander the Great, Confucious, Jesus, Moses, Dracula, Frankenstein.....

    In reality though...Muhommad invented Islam about 1500 years ago by combining what he knew of Judaism and Christianity with the current (at that time) Arab moon-God religion of Al-Ilah. He may or may not have come up with the idea on his may have been inspired by Satan (who knows?). Either way, it worked out well for him (kind of like Warren Jeffs).

  2. The first Prophet is Adam ( as ) and the last is Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him).

    Only some two dozen Prophets are mentioned by name in the Holy Qur'an. However, there are many Islamic traditions that place the number at 124,000, which were sent by Allah at different times, to different locations, and to various people throughout the tenure of human beings on this planet.

  3. Like the previous answerer's said, the first prophet was Adam (pbuh) the last was Muhammad (pbuh) and several in between. Some of the more well known prophets were Noah (pbuh) Moses (pbuh) Abraham (pbuh) and Jesus (pbuh). Allah said that there has been a messenger sent to every nation throughout the world at different periods in history. The actual word Islam, pronounced in that exact way, was used at the time of Muhammad (pbuh), but the concept of the religion has known many names such as Judaism and Christianity.  Each messenger came to meet the needs of the people at that specific time period (like Noah's arch, Moses to liberate the Jews etc..), so though the majority of the teachings were the same (i.e. Belief that there is only one God, capable of all things etc...) some things were slightly different, like certain animals were not permitted to eat during the time of Moses that are now permitted to eat, Jesus was instructed to encourage Monogamy (according to the Bible), yet during the time of all the other messengers polygamy was allowed, things like that. Every messenger had a set of rules for the specific group to which they were sent. Muslims however, believe Muhammad was the last messenger to be sent, and the Quran the final book from God.

    Edit: the person above me sais it much more eloquently

  4. The Islamic belief is that there were more than one hundred thousand. Some authorities say there were 124,000 while some say there were even more. The Quran does not say how many but talks about some Prophets.

  5. 124000 total prophet and messenger mention in quran   only 24 mention by name in quran

    there is no religion came before Islam

    people worship idol moon ,sun , fire,sand,water ,animal

    Islam is against idol

    christen is also a idol worshiper they worship Jesus and Mary idol and his picture in home and in church

  6. 313+ prophets

    1400+ messengers

    Oh ALLAH

    All the praise is for you, you are the light of the heavens and the earth.  And all the

    Praises are for you.

    You are the keeper of the heavens and the earth, and all the praises are for you.

    You are the lord of the heavens and whatever there is therein.  You’re the truth, and your promise is the truth and your speech is the truth, and meeting you is the truth.  Paradise is the truth and hellfire is the truth and the hour is the truth oh ALLAH.

    I surrender to you and believe in you and repent to you and depend upon you, in your cause is fight and in your orders I rule.  So please forgive my past and future sins, and those sins I did in secret and in public.  It is you who I worship Oh ALLAH, none has the right to be worshiped but you.  Amen

  7. as the first person claims.. hundreds of thousands of prophets.. but just one religion.. Im muslim.. and the religion is Islam.. Im not claiming to say this just cause Im muslim..

    if you actually think about it.. all major religions have the same general message.. Peace of mind, how to live a good moral life.. how to balance your faith with your life.. how to conduct yourself in this world etc etc... that there is just one god.....

    people seem offended when you say Islam.. did Jesus preach peace?  yes.. peace in arabic is Islam (the verb).. Did Moses preach peace? yes..

    We are taught as a muslim that there were prophets sent everywhere.. some named and some not.. we cannot disclaim a prophet that is not absolutely named in islam.. for example.. Budda might have very well have been an islamic prophet, but the people of his region might have changed his message similiar to how they changed Jesus's message.. Who knows?.. we dont know cause the Quran doesnt tell us about Budda one way or another.. just an example here..

    You see snippets of religion in all corners of the earth.. Like many faiths, how they bow down to the earth to pray and some of their sayings.. its all so similar.. why? cause its actually the same relgion from the same God, just changed over thousands of years..

    So God wants us to obtain Peace on earth.. so his religion from the beginning was one of Peace.. "Islam"...  

  8. according to Islam, there is and there has always been just one religion which is Islam since there is only one and only one God.

    however, God have sent many Prophets to different nations along the history of mankind, some of them have a book and are called Messengers of God.

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