
How many Rays fans are bandwagon fans?

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  1. I was born and raised in Tampa and since they were created, I have rooted for them.  As noted above, and being a Floridian, I have always been much more interested in football.  It is nice to see a local team do well after years of seeing how bad they have been.

    I hope they continue to do well.  Does this cause me to be labled as a dreaded "bandwagon fan"?

    EDIT @ Ay Caramba:  St. Petersburg is a dive compared to Tampa.  Your jealousy is're green.

  2. A whooooooooooooooole bunch of them or maybe all.

  3. Most of all of them accpet  3/4

  4. I actually hope there's some bandwagonners. It's sad that they can't fill the stadium with the team playing this good.

  5. I am a (Devil) Rays fan and have been since their inception.  I go to about 30 games a year and right now I got my jersey on, and my cowbell and broom in hand heading for the Trop, hoping for a sweep of the Angels

    And, yes, most "fans" are bandwagonners.  The Tampa Bay area is full of fair weather fans for all sports.  Before the Dungy era for the Bucs and before the Lightning won Lord Stanley's cup, you could get tickets very easily.  And you were ridiculed even in your own town for liking the home teams because, frankly, the stunk.  

    Test for so-called Rays fans-  Who was the starting pitcher for the Inaugural game?  I was there, were you?

  6. There are a lot more bandwagon Yankees and Red Sox fans I know that!!!  

  7. Both of them.

  8. A good number of them with the exception of 3 or 4 maybe.

  9. Almost all of them.

    People in Florida don't really care about baseball.

    That idiot asking the stupid "Why so serious" thing is definitely a bandwagoner too.

    EDIT: Jackie below admits that she's a bandwagon fan?  lol, idiot.  I can't wait until the Rays get booted from the playoffs in the first round.

  10. Probably all of them except for people that live in the city and support baseball, which in tamba bay isnt many people

  11. The starter for the first game was Wilson Alvarez

    St. Petersburg is a very small town, and the big town next to it, Tampa, has way too many sports and way too many troubles. Tampa is basically the worst city in the world so the have worse things to think about than the Rays. So basically all of them except 10,000:P

  12. well, i became a rays fan this season...before i never went to a rays game cuz they sucked, but this season, i liked them so i went to my 1st rays game in May......its not realy a bandwagon cuz im from tampa bay....and i just started to like them, but realy who gives a darn about baseball when there's surfing and chicks :) i dont realy think anyways in my school realys cares about the rays

  13. The rays are a neat story of 2008 baseball, but I were to bandwagon it would be with Joe Torre and Manny with the Dodgers

  14. Like everyone except people in TB..... Really if the playoffs shape up, the only hope the rays have is getting the #1 seed, and hoping Red Sox and Angels don't get #4...

  15. A good number of them.

    In five years (before this year) I had honestly only seen three Rays jerseys/hats/tshirts. And that was when I went to Florida!

    This year, I've seen thousands of Rays jerseys and baseball caps. There's no way they were fans "all along" and just "got around" to buying a tshirt this year. BANDWAGONERS.

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