
How many SUGARS does Captain Morgan Original Spiced Rum have? The label says nothing about sugar..?

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How many SUGARS does Captain Morgan Original Spiced Rum have? The label says nothing about sugar..?




  1. Honey, rum is the only liquor made made from sugar cane.

  2. Funny you should ask: They take a byproduct of sugar making called molasses and add yeast to make it ferment. They then let the fermentation take place. They use the resulting stuff to condense into basic rum. This basic rum is then aged into chraed barrels and tasted daily. They then blend selected rums into a master rum.

  3. Maybe a trace amount from the caramel colouring or some flavouring.  Basically none.

  4. Snackie is right rum is made from sugar cane. It has fermeted and been distiled so the actual amount of sugars is nil. The only suger if any would be added while it is ages in the barrel.

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