
How many Senators do you think turned down Mccain before picking a beauty queen Iwonder if its the next ?

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wife he is lining up




  1. All of them turned him down.  Who wants to follow a grim-reaper? I laugh every time I see him.

  2. Typical liberal sexist. Why hate someone because they are attractive.

  3. I think all of them. That's why they finally came up with this lame excuse for a candidate.

    What an insult to the country, that this woman who is now under investigation for abuse of power is selected.

  4. wow... you dems are real low lifes.

    ** oh yes, there is some scuttlebutt about trying to get her brother in law fired.....hmmmm...thats SO much worse then beign bffs with racist radicals, getting sweetheart deals for a home from a criminal (his other bff)...oh wait he has one more BFF...A FREAKIN DOMESTIC TERRORIST, who not only bombed his own country multiple times, but was recently quoted saying he wished they had bombed more.


  5. I don't know.

    How many Senators turned Obama down first, and does Michelle know about his affair with Biden?

  6. I don't know but you libs are sure sore about this pick.

    For once a real good woman is in the race and I like it!

  7. None there was only one person asked I know. It doesn't show your maturity when people attack others for being something or looking someway or its like the old blond joke its a joke blonde's aren't any dumber than anyone else

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