
How many Taliban supporters has mass immigration brought to the UK?

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To take a random example, there are at least 2 million Muslims in the UK .

IF only 2% are Taliban potential activists. 2% of 2 million is .





  1. Even one is too many, it's impossible to guess.

  2. I dont believe there is a formula for that. Are you still enjoying your cheap labor?

  3. I would say a h**l of a lot as there has been 303,180 just Afghan asylum seekers that came to the UK by 2005.

    So even if you say 1% have Taliban sympathies, that's a small army.

  4. If you are a person who does not like corruption and humuliation then their will be alot. The war on terror is a war to secure oil resources. It has produced much more islamic terrorists.

  5. There should be enough to see you all off now.A hidden army.

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