
How many USA'ers do you think will move out of the country and give up their citizenship if McCain wins? ?

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How do you think they will do with the Heroes Act 2008?

Will most of them be able to afford it?




  1. No will have to move.

    It will just become China.

  2. None. I do believe that a few people, most notably Alec Baldwin, promised to leave the country if Bush was elected but he didn't.

    To say you will leave the country if one or another person wins is just stupid, and for the most part empty rhetoric.

  3. Thousands threatened this when Dubya was elected again.

    I am guessing the actual count of people that did it.

    5 maximum.

  4. The reason?

    Heroes Act?

    Patriot Act?

    Isn't it time for a Blatantly Misleading BullSh*t Act?

    Or a USA Rapidly Going Broke Act?

  5. None, they always threaten but never do

  6. For an administration whose party supposedly hates taxes, they sure like to steal it wherever they can--scary!

  7. Its a pity you people are such sore losers...

  8. im not for mccain but i don't think i'll go so far as moving...?

  9. You know other nations are not exactly clamoring for welfare folks to come to their countries and sit on the porch while their citizens work in the fields to make a living.

    To answer your question...not one.

  10. Very few.  How could most of us afford to leave our country & why would we when we know there will be another election in 4 yrs.  Where would we go, the rest of the world is in worse shape than we are at this time.  One would think that Russia & China are doing fine.  They are only a few people doing good in either of those countries, go to the peasants & find out how they are making out, not half as good as even the poorest of our people!

  11. I won't move, but I do wonder how long America will last after McCain(or Obama) wins.

    Both are CFR members(link to explain Council on Foreign Relations below), and have aggressive ambitions to lead us full steam ahead into the New World Order.

    On both candidates short list is signing us into Kyoto. You don't need much imagination to understand what this will do to US industry, and how much more Socialism/Facism it will dump on we the people. And to think this is only the beginning.

    Here we were thinking how bad Bush is(Bush is bad). The last few elections have been nothing but making a choice between lesser evils. Choosing the lesser evil is nothing but taking a different, but parallel path to the same destination. Here we go!

  12. I might do that if Obama wins.

  13. LMAO I've heard MANY say they'd leave......hahahaha sad but true!



  15. I hope a lot.

    These links are lies.

  16. 0

  17. none

    it's all talk

  18. who cares

  19. For anyone who would leave America   ....GOOD RIDDENS!

    and take your Jeremiah Wright with you!

    McCain/Palin 2008

  20. Probably a good amount of people

    but McCain won't win, so ..

  21. 0

    as is happening now, even with Bush as President, millions, literally, are making their way here.

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