
How many Vietnam veteran hospitals are there today?

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How many Vietnam veteran hospitals are there today?




  1. Never before there was an army that show a total disregard for their vets as the army of Communist Vietnam.  Disable vets were herded in to the country side.  Many resorted to banditry to feed their families.  I personally witnessed a couple of double amputees throwing themselves in front of speeding buses so other less disable vets could rip off the cargo hold.

  2. In the United States, all VA hospitals are Viet Nam Veterans Hospitals, as well as WWI, WWII, Korea, and all other living veterans.

    I also believe there are a couple facilities in The Philippines, Puerto Rico, and maybe somewhere else.

    Try the VA Website. It says there are 1,338 facilities

    But if you are asking for how many, Vietnamese Veteran Hospitals, I have no clue.

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