
How many accidents can 1 person have?

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I heard a story about a man who got in car crashes, train crashes, fell out of a plane and survived. Surely nobody can match this!?




  1. Frane Selak (born 1929) is a Croatian music teacher famous for his numerous escapes from fatal accidents:

    In January, 1962, Selak was traveling via train from Sarajevo to Dubrovnik. However, the train had suddenly derailed and plunged into an icy river, killing 17 passengers. Selak managed to escape, and only suffered a broken arm and minor scrapes and bruises.

    The following year, while traveling from Zagreb to Rijeka when the door blew away from the cockpit, forcing him out of the plane. Although 19 others were killed, he suffered only minor injuries and had miraculously landed in a haystack.

    In 1966, he was riding on a bus that crashed and plunged into a river. Four others were killed, but Selak managed to escape unharmed.

    In 1970, he managed to escape before a faulty fuel pump engulfed his car into flames.

    In 1973, another of Selak's cars caught fire, forcing fire through the air vents. He suffered no injuries save the loss of most of his hair.

    In 1995, he was hit by a city bus, but once again suffered minor injuries.

    In 1996 he escaped when he drove off a cliff to escape an oncoming truck. He managed to land in a tree, and watched as his car exploded 300 feet below him.

  2. lol, some people are weird like that!! my brother broke his arm twice, and i still (touch wood) haven't had a single broken bone in my whole body!! but i am still young so who knows what could happen!!

  3. one person only needs one if they are unlucky

  4. You can have as many accidents till it kills you.

    But the final act of defiance....

    Once you are dead you p**p your pants for the final accident.

  5. Sure sounds like a story!

    I have rolled 3 different vehicles.

    Been in 1 head on.

    Been rear ended twice.

    T boned another car.

    Went over the bars on  a GSXR going over 100mph bare foot wearing shorts and a helmet.

    Broke my back twice.

    And that does not include any off road motorcycle accidents

  6. lol how cud sm1 survive wen falling out of a plane jjoookkkkkeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  7. One proper accident ( prefably fatal ) is all that is needed

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