
How many accidents have you evaded?

by  |  earlier

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That would have injured or even killed you? ex. i was supposed to hunting with my friend, but i didnt go and he wrecked his atv. he was thrown from it and if i had been with him i would have been impaled or decapitated from a huge branch that went through the passenger side... he survived....




  1. all of them...i haven't had a fatal one yet.

  2. Like a few times, but this is one that i remember:

    I went over to my friend's apartment and we were young so we were fooling around in the balcony. I climed onto the railing and i somehow slipped. I was holding on to the railing, and hanging from the 9th floor of an apartment.. luckily my friend called an adult to help, i couldve been killed.

  3. Over the last few weeks it seems I've been evading quite a few accidents.  The most memorable was about 3 weeks ago.  My girlfriend and I were driving home from doing some errands in town; we live in a rural community about 45 minutes from town.  I was making a left-hand turn onto one of the roads out of town, and see a semi hauling a giant pipe assembly.  It was taking up both lanes of the road and almost reaching into one of the lanes of the oncoming traffic (4 lane road, 2 each way).  I made a comment to my girlfriend "great, we're going to get stuck behind this guy and he's going to go SLOW."  Well, half-right on my part.... I get right behind him, he's going slow, but fortunately I kept a couple of car lengths between the two of us.  The pipe assembly was so tall that he ended up ripping down several power lines, and had I been keeping right on his bumper I would have had several cables on my car.  Also fortunate, I had had my brake pads changed not too long ago  :)

    Other near-misses lately have involved SEVERAL over-sized loads coming the opposite way on 2-lane roads coming around curves, and rednecks in quad-rear-wheel diesel pickups driving on the wrong side of the road.  Gotta love texas drivers  :D

  4. people don't keep these kinds of records.........

  5. When it comes to accidents, there will always be that question, "What if?"

    I'm glad to hear that your friend wasn't hurt, but who's to say that the accident would have happened if you were there.

    I'll have to agree with the first two answers.

    Hows hunting been by the way? :-)

  6. To many to count....................

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