
How many acres are in a lot that is 346x513x272x529?

by  |  earlier

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it is 346 on front 272 on back 513 on one side and 529 on other




  1. If you have a lot with measurements on all four sides that are different, you have to do equivalents.

    A lot that has a front line of 346 and a back line of 513 has an average line 429.5. If it has side lines of 513 and 529 is has average lines of 512.

    This lot has the same area as a rectangular lot 429.5 x 512.

    This is 219,904 square feet. Divide by 43560 to get acres:

    This is 5.048 acres.  

  2. 3.65 acres

    306 x 520 =159,520

    159,120 square feet / 43,560 sq. ft. per acre

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