
How many acres of food will you use to drive to the movies, etc..?

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Alt fuel means alt use of good ground that could feed the world. Do you believe the world to be as well fed as most of the western civs?




  1. When we make ethenol there is byproducts left over that is still used for cattle feed so it is not wasted. we still have food even after we make fuel and cattle make waste to grow more corn so it is a circle of life

  2. We can run every car in the US on ethanol from switchgrass grown on an area 1/10 that of Nevada. How much food was not grown to feed horses back in the horse and buggy era?

    Here's a thought: Economic environmentalism - the idea that the economy SHOULD grow to the point of maximum benefit, and stabilize there. Beyond that point,  economic growth is as dangerous as cancer. Think of a reef's ecology. They survive unchanging for centuries with no ill effects. Can't we do the same?

  3. Before we can help feed the rest of the world, we need to survive to do it. We have to do something to release us from dependency upon foreign oil. Until we find a better fuel source, we have to do whatever it takes. Its easier to complain about it than it is to do something about it. I'd like to say more, but I'm going to the movies tonight and I dont want to be late.

  4. the reasion anyone starves is politics...there is NO food shortage,,

  5. There are many ways to look at this problem and I understand the need for economic considerations ---but still--- I think there must be a special place in h**l for anyone who would burn food.

  6. Dont worry, they will still have popcorn at the theatres, and if you think gas is expensive, buy a big box of that stuff!!

  7. Hydrogen fuel cells are the answer to the energy needs of the future not bio-mass so there is no reason to burn food HFC's will soon kill bio-mass Tech.

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