
How many adoptees have fertility problems?

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i did, multiple miscarriages too.

anyone else?




  1. Cervical cancer at 21 pretty much destroyed my fertility. I say pretty much because apparently at 27 my body decided to heal itself and I must have had a few good eggs left over cuz that kid crying in the next room keeps calling me Mommy! Stupid Dr! I wasted all that time and effort having eggs collected and frozen only to get sufficiently knocked up on my own.

  2. I'm adopted and infertile.


    I noticed someone mentioned being older as a possible reason she didn't have problems conceiving.  I'm 43.  I've never been able to conceive.  I am no longer trying, as I am beyond the age at which I feel comfortable having a baby.

  3. I have met a few.  I believe that I had one miscarriage many many years ago.

  4. No problems conceiving but problems staying pregnant

    All my pregnancies have been twins but I lost most of them

    I have one survivor of twins and a one complete set of twins

  5. It took me eight years and four miscarriages before I had my first child. Now I have two sons.

  6. I'm adopted.  My husband was the infertile one.  Many doctors charmingly told us that even if we could theoretically stay fertile for 100 years, we still only had a one percent chance of conceiving.  And, uh, two welcome, healthy pregnancies later decided to use contraception.  Shows you what doctors and their tests really know!!

  7. I'm an adopted person and have 3 wonderful grown children. I'm older and that may be why I don't' have problems. Regular couples these days are having fertility problems as well. I don't believe it's an adopted persons problem as it is on the upswing  with a lot of non adopted as well.

  8. I'm fertile, but I don't want kids.  Not the sort of problem you meant, I know.  My first mom did not suffer "secondary infertility" either; she went on to have two other daughters.

    I'm so sorry you had miscarriages.  That must be heartbreaking.

  9. I think a lot of women believe they are infertile, and are not.

    My amother had, as I have heard, hundreds of times, 'thirteen miscarriages' before she adopted me.

    She then went on to give birth to 2 children.

    When I heard people talking about TTC, I am often floored at the ignorance, and flagrant disregard for living a healthy life to make conception easier.

    When I see photos of potential adopters on line I almost always see FAT or OLD.  Smoking is a big one.  And people who have endless miscarriages like my amother usually are wound up so dang tight, they often have some 'inner work' to do--bring on the shrink.

  10. I was abandoned/adopted and I'm likely infertile.

    I'm childfree and I prayed to the infertility goddess. All I had to do was sacrifice an entitled PAP upon an alter, and poof, I'm childfree.

  11. My brother and my cousin both adopted because of fertility problems.  Both wifes had miscarriages too

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