
How many adult angelfish can i put in a 29 gallon tank?

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How many adult angelfish can i put in a 29 gallon tank?




  1. Each angel needs 10 gallons. I say no more than 2 so they still have some extra room and are not all stuffed in there! You can also add a small school of larger tetras, like black skirt. Watch for nipping tho!

  2.   This depends on what you plan on doing with the tank long term.  You will end up with two or three compatible fish if you are lucky, by starting with 6 potential breeders.  These are young adult fish, around 9 months old, dollar body size.

      You are trying to get a pair, these are the two you will end up with, on occasion you will end up with a trio, which is usually two females & a male.  The remaining fish will get returned, as the pair will get territorial & aggressive, and there is no place for the other fish to hide from the aggressive pair.

      Inch per gallon is bunk, this does not apply to cichlids, which need a certain amount of space for territory, angels, which are taller than they are long, or any fish that is not slim bodied or has an adult size over three inches.

      Inch per gallon applies to slim bodied fish that grow to no larger than three inches as adults.  It is a guideline for beginning aquarists, many experienced aquarists double or triple that stocking rate.  Experienced aquatists also have a couple of back up plans in the event things turn for the worse.

  3. hello, if you are just doing angelfish i would say that you can have 3 pairs of angelfish in a 29 gallon tank!

    hope this helps!

    good luck!!

  4. Ignore Some1 who loves Bettas, she goes around Fish questions telling everyone that they need a 10,000 gallon tank per guppy.

    The rule of thumb is usually 1 inch of fish per gallon of water, this doesn't always work perfectly but it is a good guide.  You can have a 1" betta in a 1 gallon tank (but if you have a plant taking up room you are better off with 2 gal) and in a ten gallon tank you can have about six or so small fish.  Using that rule with a ~30 gallon tank you can theoretically have about 15 angelfish but I wouldn't have more than 10 (assuming this tank has no other fish in it at all).  They are quite tall for fish and quite active, if I were to do it personally, I'd trim it down to eight of them

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