
How many affairs had martina hingis and what are the simillarities between hingis and roger federer?

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How many affairs had martina hingis and what are the simillarities between hingis and roger federer?




  1. Besides from from Switzerland, I dont know of any  other similarities. As for affairs, Federer has been with same woman for few years already, while Hingis has been with the likes of  golfer Sergio Garcia, and tennis player Stepanek, who last season called off their engagement.

  2. they are both swiss im not sure about the affairs

  3. affairs as in her dating life? gah,she is known to be a bit of serial dater...dated numerous other players notably dating magnus norman there for a bit,during his run at RG in 2000 and thereafter,then the golf player from spain and then obviously engaged to radek till last august.

    i don't think there are alot of similarities between she and rog though. they play under the same flag,of course and they're both crafty which is also an attribute they share with fellow swiss patty schnyder.

  4. Roger and Martina are from Switzerland and are mathematicians on the field. Most of their shots are calculated and they seem to have a formula for every shot. Both of them got the no.1 position and Roger is still the numero uno in the tennis world.

  5. Don't know much about the affairs.  I follow the players courtplay not their ability to court someone.

    The main similaraties between Roger Federer and Martina Hingis are their style of game.  The way they both win their points.  Martina was never as good as Roger with some of the miracle shots he pulls off, but they both play their games with an extreme amount of accuracy.  The other factor is that they aren't the biggest or strongest hitters on court although Roger has enough to take care of anyone on the circuit.  Martina was never a strong hitter like Serena Williams but her winners were right on the line and not a couple of feet inside it making it almost impossible to reach for her opponent.  Federer is likewise with his accuracy.

  6. not similarity but I'll tell you a dissimilarlity: Hingis won grand slam tourneys against good players. Roger Federer won his mostly against no good players who wouldn't be worthy of being in the top 50 also had they been playing 10 years ago.

  7. both good players.. both swiss..

    try search the web..

  8. Both are very good player, both became number in the world, both also won the 3 Grand Slam (Australian, Wimbledon & U.S Open), with the French Open the only one eluded them. I wish Roger will win it this time.

  9. I can't imagine of what importance this has to you,

    or anyone else, for that matter.

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