
How many agree?

by  |  earlier

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How many agree that Hillary may have a seam on her scalp, that she undoes at night when shes all alone and under it shes the wing walker from the twilight zone?




  1. i agree,and i do think she wears a mask that seems o.k. and when the lights are off the real Hillary comes out. why do you think bill is still with her? he's scared to do so. we all should be scared.

  2. SCARIER THAN THAT, SHE IS A BITTER, ANGRY, VENGEFUL WOMAN. who may believe she is entitled to something, just like Mr. Dole, Mr. gore, mr. w....

  3. how poetic

  4. huh...

  5. Wow

  6. um, i don't really think about stuff like that when i think about Hillary........
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