
How many agree that the baited hooks being used near Acapulco to catch killer sharks are a good idea?

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I think it's a great idea and should be used whenever there has been a shark attack, such as in So. Cal. just a few days ago. We don't need killer sharks cruising around beaches where families are recreating, and children are swimming. People have a right to be able to use the beach, and not have to worry about their legs being bitten off. Which has more value, a child or a shark?




  1. i think that your a joke so is the di*k who answwer before me can you kill any animal who lives in its natural habitat and that you and other people endanger as you are stupid and silly how can you kill any animal for doing what it naturaly does .. they belong in this world too not  just us, and when your swimming in there habitat they run the risk of getting deal with it..

  2. Beaches are not swimming pools.  They are a NATURAL environment.  Whenever you CHOOSE to be in a natural setting, you are taking some inherent this case, the highly rare risk of getting bitten by a shark.  If someone fears it so much, just stay out of the water.

    Also, baited hooks like that do not focus on the supposedly "rogue" "man-eating" shark.  They catch many sharks which had nothing to do with the attack.

  3. Can we use you as bait?

    An arrogant human you are!  It's their ocean and YOU are a visitor.  It's that simple.

    Sharks are part of the planet, ocean, and ecosystem.  They only become an issue when people get in the way.  When a person goes into a fellow animal's dining area, the person needs to become accountable for his/her own actions and assume the risks taken.  

    The same issue occurs when people or pets get nabbed by mountain lions.  The cat pays for the stupid human decision to live on their territory.

    I like sharks, I've been swimming, diving, kayaking, and sailing in their ocean for over 43 years.  Dad was a Navy diver who taught me to swim in the ocean before I could walk.  I've had plenty of up close encounters.  It's usually the dumb-*** human that's at fault.

  4. I do......100%  Get rid of the killer sharks.  There has been nothing said about killing "every shark in the area."  Nor has this ever happened.  Typical enviro-fascist twisting of the intent and the truth.  There has NEVER been a species made extinct or endangered by eliminating rogue killers.  This goes for elephants, leopards, crocodiles.....and sharks.  If there has been one, please name it.  Why do greenies avoid the truth?

    emiller1:  So you are willing to sacrifice children to save rogue, killer sharks?   Cool.

    Adam:   No animal has even been made extinct, or endangered by modern regulated hunting, as is practiced in this country.  None.   The passenger pigeon was slaughtered by unregulated market hunters.  In fact some endangered species, such as the Wood Duck, have recovered during this time.   So don't lecture me on the evils of hunting.   If a few sharks are killed off of Acapulco, whether or not the killer is one of them, it is not going to endanger any species in any way.  Maybe you ought to try to get past your liberal agenda, and start dealing with reality.

    Girasole:  Putting a murderer in prison for life will not totally prevent other murders from being commited.  So, using your reasoning, should we just leave the murderers alone?

  5. I think you are ignorant and people like you are the reason why we have so many endangered or extinct animals.  

    Very few people are every attacked by sharks and even fewer are killed.  Killing every shark in the area because 1 person got bitten is stupid.  Anytime you go into a place where its not your natural habitat you run the risk of running into something that does live there.

    Rick - Really thats whats been done in the past.  By the time you get there the shark that did it is probably long gone.  If you fall off a horse while riding should we shoot that too?  Maybe we can just bubble wrap you and give you a helmet so you wont get hurt if you fall down too.

  6. the biggest problem that the world faces today is overpopulation

    If We keep eliminating all the culling factors of humanity

    ,the populations eventually will explode.

    At best the end result could well be . sickness ,plagues mass riots fighting over food and water.

    At worst an overall Nuclear war


    Wars have always been the result when people were getting to crowded

    Is this what you prefer ???????????????????

    So in the light of this the shark has far more value ,as a natural governing factor ,culling the idiots who go swimming in shark infested water ,leaving humanity with the more intelligent ones.

    To sanctify the killing of all shark species as one likes because one has bitten somebody, is like equating Bush with all Americans,or is that true perhaps ?????

    WE should try to imagine sometime ,that we are all earthlings

    even people ,and we all have the same right to this planet ,

    so who is in fact invading who????

    Somewhere along the line a sado masochistic death cult came along and changed the deal saying, Humans are the sole owners of this planet ,and we are the only ones who can multiply our selves into .....into what ????



    Virus or invasive specie and ALL else must make way before Us., handing over their space,food ,home and perishing in the process

    How ever

    I think the shark fishing near Acapulco is a tourist event ,not a shark holocaust

  7. Ok. So, I see there's somewhat of a debate going on with this question. I don't know too much about endangered species, and all this animal stuff, like everyone else who seems to be answering this question, however, reading these answers clearly tells me that humans are so very ignorant when it comes to their own species. For example, calling each other names, just because you gave your opinion on something, seriously people, some respect. I'm sure if the debate was to stay in a clear very well voiced conversation we could come up with a solution.

    Yes! It’s true; the water is a shark’s natural habitat, so, how dare we try to kill them for something we knew might happen if we were to enter their “natural habitat” regardless of how close it was to shore or not, water is water. Now, we have to think about everything. Those of you who are agreeing with this action must think about how you would feel if someone just came into your home and shot you because of something you did and they did not like, as for those who oppose to this, how would you feel if this had occur to one of your family members, regardless of what you may say, I strongly believe you would have somewhat of a different opinion on this matter. It's simple really; a lot of it has to do with wearing the other person's shoes. Now, I’m not trying to play the middle person, but just trying to remind everyone, that with some reasoning one way or another we can find a solution, as oppose to just keep fighting and wasting time.

    Human life is very precious, especially those of my loved ones, however, to be honest I wouldn’t put some people’s live in front of one of those creatures. We have some human sharks out there too.

  8. The ocean is the shark's natural habitat; it's not a controlled environment... when you venture into the ocean, you don't know what's out there.  Catching the shark responsbible for a specific attack wouldn't eliminate the threat of attacks by other sharks...  it would be impractical to annihilate a whole species and the consequences would be disastrous for the environment.  I don't like sharks but they're part of the natural ecosystem and when a species is gone it throws everything off balance.  The ocean is not a controlled environment, it never was meant to be a controlled environment.  The best thing to do is use caution!  There are beaches where the ocean is roped off to prevent sharks from entering and that is a good idea.  Also, you shouldn't enter the ocean wearing anything metallic or sparkly, if you are bleeding at all (sharks have an excellent sense of smell), and sharks are most commonly seen at dawn or dusk.  I think the best thing to do is to read as much as possible regarding shark attacks and how to protect yourself from them.

  9. Definitely not.

    Sharks are heading towards extinction as it is.

    emiller is absolutely right that you're not going to be able to kill the one that did the biting.

    Its not so much about value of life as right to exist and what has the most right to exist in the ocean, the shark or the child?

    The child always has options if it wants pleasure (from nt swimming to using shark barriers to create safe swim areas); the shark has no options.

    As for Rickoshay's rather uneducated response:

    IF we just killed the "rogue" killers, you would be right but as emiller points out, baited hooks are not guaranteed to JUST kill the killers - you'll kill a lot of others (including other endangered species); it's the typical heavy-handed and indiscriminate slaughter that the human race so often falls into that is the problem.

    And of course we can't name a single animal that was made extinct by only killing rogue killers because humans have never only killed rogue killers - we kill the lot! Your question seems deliberately obtuse to confuse the issue.

    Once you accept that we would kill "innocent" sharks as well as (or if!) the killers, then the question makes sense and becomes "name one animal that humans have hunted to extinction" of which there are a disturbingly high number from the famous (dodo, passenger pigeon, mammoth) to the not so famous (javan rhinoceros, river dolphin, cave lion, wolves and bears throughout Europe, tasmanian tiger, quagga, caspian tiger, stellers sea cow, irish deer, etc) including many species of shark (great white in the Med, angel sharks in the north sea, etc)

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