
How many amps of alternator power are need to run this system?

by  |  earlier

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The system is an estimated 3200 watts rms with 5 amps and the fuses are 120, 120, 80, 80, and 50 totaling 450 amps. Assuming that the amps have an 80% efficiency use of power and you want to get 100% out of the amps.

The cars stock alternator is 105 amps and it is underpowered for the car to run at 100% it really needs a 120 amps.

What would be the total amount of alternator amps needed for this system to run at 100%.

My guess was 700 amps but I just figured from the fuses and put it together like this

120 amp fuse + 80 amp fuse = 200

Add in the 20% for efficiency and

144+86= 240 get a 250 amp alternator

120 amp fuse + 80 amp fuse = 200

Add in the 20% for efficiency and

144+86= 240 get a 250 amp alternator

105 amps for the car + 50 amp =155

Add in the 20% for efficiency and

126+60=186 get a 200 amp alternator

250 amp alt +250 amp alt +200 amp alt = 700 amps alt power

I know this is not scientific at all that’s why I’m asking this question because I don’t really know how to figure this out.

Oh yeah lets say 14.4 volts

And another thing would (whatever answer you give about the power) that prevent voltage drops?




  1. There are a few things missing from your calculations.

    Here's a good calculator to figure all that out -

    You'll need Microsoft Excel.

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