
How many and what kind of fish can i have in this aquarium?

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i dont want any salt-water fish...that would be too difficult for me to maintain so what freshwater fish can i have in it and how many? its a 9 gallon tank. no goldfish




  1. It depends on how big the fish is. If you have a fully grown adult fish is, say, 1 1/2 inches, then it's 1 1/2 gallons for just that one fish. So it really depends. Maybe 3 Mollies,3 Guppies, and 3 Corydoras. That might be a good mix. Good luck! =D

  2. can't answer how many fish but i was reading the description and i said that the filter is extremely loud so you might want to check into that

  3. My favorite for smaller tanks is smaller tetras and danios (not giant).  There are so many varieties, the list is endless.  might add a cory or oto for a bottom feeder (beware plecos as many get huge).

    Take a look at your fish store to see if any catch your fancy, Remember most fish at the stores are not fully grown and many look best when adults.

    Tetras and danios are small and it is easy to get quite a few fish in it without over filling it.  1 inch of fish per gallon of water.

    Best of luck.

  4. well that is a small tank but if u want aggressive fish you can buy mollies which are small but cute..tiger barbs get to be a good a friendly tank u can get gourami fish..make sure u have a algie eater like a loach or pleco

  5. Guppies

    Zebra and Leopard Danios


    (Mollies actually get on the big side.  Skip them.)

    They like living in groups, so for combos try:

    4 guppies and 4 Danios

    2 Platies and 4 guppies

    2 platies and 4 danios

    5 platies alone

    6 guppies alone

    6 danios alone

    Good luck.

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