
How many and what the animals that are hunted for their skin/fur?

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are they endangered species at the moment? include reliable link if possbile. thanks




  1. The following are some US furbearers used in the clothing industry, and have varying take limits and season lengths that change with the fluctuating populations.

    Mink, Muskrat, Fox, Coyote, Raccoon, Skunk, Opossum, Beaver, Marten, Otter [river, not sea], Weasel, Bobcat, Fisher, Rabbit, Squirrel, Civet, and Badger.

    None above are endangered as long as they are trapped within regulations.  Most would become endangered if trapping ceased due to overpopulation [starvation], and disease.

    As far as a reliable link, look up your states DNR website [Dept of Natural Resources], not animal rights activist sites, as they are severely skewed in their info.

  2. None in the US are hunted for their furs. many are breed and raised on farms and controlled in this manner. This is not the wild frontier of the past.

    OK 20/20 then what is the correct answer then? I live in a state where hunting is practiced and I have never heard 'lets go get some animal furs to sell and make coats from'. Furs are garnished from farm raised animals that are breed,feed and then made into fur coats. Do not be a wimp and just tell me I am wrong tell me why I am wrong.

  3. Ned, sorry but you are way off and absolutely WRONG

  4. Foxes, snakes ,panthers and tigers and little monkeys...

    Tigers are very endangered like many types of monkeys and so are panthers.....if we continue like that there will be no more tigers.

    =( it is horrible,.

  5. in North America endangered species cannot be hunted for any reason.For those who believe that fur bearing animals are raised on farms well welcome to the planet earth cause your not from here. There is a very small and limited farming of animals for furs ie rabbit and mink but I don't know of any red fox, black bear,lynx,bob cat,weasel,beaver,coyote,martin,farms.In Ontario Canada deer and moose hides are given to First Nations people to tan and work the hides for there native crafts.Man has been hunters,gathers and wearer of animal furs from the time beginning.

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