
How many angry Clinton supporters will now vote for McCain since he chose a woman as VP?

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Partisans will claim it's not an issue, but the average everyday person who doesn't pay attention could be swayed. It's an interesting strategy.




  1. I would hope that none of them fall for an obvious trick. I beleive the Clinton supporters are smarter than that. They beleived in her platform and policies, Palin is apolar opposite of everything Clinton stood for

  2. Absolutely none .

    McCain in effect just snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.

    Those  who may have crossed the street to vote for a McCain /Lieberman  ticket are now going to cross back to the other side and vote for Obama/Biden

    The big rap on Obama is not that he's black But that he's so inexperienced

    We all agree that the time is long overdue  when America gets a president that is not a WASP[despite JFK's Catholicism, he is still out of that same northern European mold that all of our presidents have been from ] But that Obama wasn't experienced enough to be that person.

    We also all agree that the time is long overdue for a woman to be president, the problem is that Palin  is considerably less experienced than Obama is  and given McCain's age and health it is more than a little likely that his VP could become his P before his first term is over.

    Just a horrible choice  and now Michelle can finally think about how she is going to redecorate the WH

  3. More likely the other way around.  How many angry Republican men will now vote for Obama/Biden since McCain put a woman on the Republican ticket?  Plus Palin is anti-Choice, anti-women's rights, pro big oil.....very many of things the pro Hillary are dead set for.

  4. honestly it's a brilliant strategy, but he should of shut his mouth about Obama not having any experience when he was picking a Ms. Alaska beauty pageant runner up and soccer mom with only 1 year of experience ....

  5. Yes, he is like one step from passing away and his judgment tells him that the best person to pass the presidency is to an unknown inexperienced woman from Alaska.

    Talking about doing anything to win a campaign...

  6. Awww c**p!   Sigh......

  7. LOL  this is a joke! I doubt very many will vote for Mccain just because he got a woman on the ticket with him. Espically with one that has less experence than obama.  Thanks McBush,  you just gave the election to OBAMA!   GO OBAMA!!  Biden will eat her alive in the debates!  

  8. No one even knows who the heck she even is (Sarah Palin, right..?).

    No one will vote for him based only on that.

    Especially when she is practically a "nobody" (in my humble opinion).

    All Wonder has to say is: "Spare me, McCain."


    *runs away*

  9. A lot, a whole lot.

  10. All of them!!!

  11. Not this one.  I didn't support Clinton because she is a woman, I supported her because I believe in what she believed in.. and that she would do the best job.  None of that carries over to Palin.

  12. I'm not even going there.  In my opinion, no American can afford to vote for a Dem. in this election, let alone one who has no clue how to handle a country in a time of war.  Not that I want to hear more war drums pounding, but with everything going on with Russia, Iran, North Korea, Iraq, and Afghanistan, we can not have a Hollywood puppet in the Commander in Chief position.  Props and que cards are no good when someone has a nuclear weapon pointed at you. So...yes, I believe a lot of Clinton supporters will sway to the McCain side of the fence and they should for good reason.

    Ok, LOL I went there.

  13. Zero.  She's anti-choice and anti-freedom.

  14. I noticed that too!  I most definitely will not be voting for him.  I dont care if he chose the freaking Dalai Llama!  I still wouldnt vote for him.

  15. Some will, some won't. I was talking to my neighbor the other day. I asked her - "If you had to choose between Obama, Clinton, and McCain for President, who would  you pick?" I know the primaries are over and all that, but I was interested to see who her favorite was.

    Guess what she said? "Oh, Hillary, definitely." I then asked her why, and she said "Because she's qualified." I was wondering what she meant by 'Because she's qualified", but I will guess she likes Hillary because she is a woman. My neighbor doesn't pay any attention to politics, but if she was to vote, she would vote for CIinton. Why? Because she is a woman. Pretty silly huh?

    Anyways, I'm not a big fan of Palin (I prefer Romney), but I think that McCain's move will bring some women (the kind that just want a woman in office) over to his side. However, the ones that are voting solely for the purpose of policies probably won't go over to his side if they like Hillary's policies.

  16. I don't vote...

    and I'm not angry!!!

  17. Brilliant!!! I was voting for him anyway but I'll campaign for him now!

    <---Former Alaskan who knows her.

  18. It's a c**p strategy.  I am a Hillary supporter who got over it and realized we needed to move on.  Hillary also expressed this after the last primary, also in her convention speech.  If some supporters are going to be that vindictive then they aren't serving to better this country, they're just crazy.  Period.  I am voting for Obama.

  19. Only the ignorant, mainly the Republican party.  

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