
How many anti hunting folk?

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how many anti hunting folk have never ventured into the bush to see what damage feral animals do? how many are vegos? how many destest harvesting wild animals? how many wear leather?




  1. To be a true "Vegan", you must kill yourself. That is the only way not to harm any of Gods.......oh wait Vegans dont believe in God, the only way not to harm any creatures is to not exist. But in "offing yourself" make sure your body wont harm any bugs when it his the ground.

  2. Eadie, don't loose sleep over this!!  Finding a 100% pure anti hunting/pro animal protection that lives TOTAL by it's beliefs is just as impossible to find as a 100% pro environmentalist who doesn't want to polute in one way or the other. Something, one way or the other has to give!!

  3.   Don't ask them questions, it will only encourage them.

  4. I don't know the answer to your question, but I think that some are hypocrits and MANY of them know that they are wrong, but they just want to control the lives of other people.  I've put this opinion in other answers too.  I think that many anti-gun, anti-hunters really, deep down inside, want to have control over other people's lives and the way they live it.  They think they are smarter and more enlightened than the "ignorant" majority, so they think it is their right and duty to control the rest of us.  That's what makes them so dangerous.  They profess to be more compasionate than hunters and gun owners, and only concerned with "what is best" for nature and humanity.  The truth is some of them are extremely vicious, power hungry, grasping and manipulative.  (did I mention arrogant and condescending?).  I don't doubt that some of them do go backpacking, never eat meat, and never wear leather, but I don't think they do that because they really care, I think they do it as kind of a uniform or badge to show how superior they think they are.  Those that go backpacking don't really see nature at all.  Nature is brutal at times.  Life needs life to sustain itself.  They are the type of people who will pull for the deer to escape the wolves, not even considering or really caring that the wolf cubs will starve without the deer to eat.  Anyway the main point is that they want to force their views onto other people.  How many hunters do you know that have tried to force a nonhunter to go with him/her?  How many gunowners do you know that have tried to force gun ownership on those who don't want them?  On the other hand, how many anti-hunter/gun freaks do you know that have tried to stop hunting or gun ownership?  They are dangerous people dude.  Make sure you keep that in mind everytime you vote in any election.

  5. 2or 3or 5 or 6 or 7 or 4 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 1000

  6. As many people that happen to choose to believe and practice that Lifestyle.* The majority of anti-hunting people who Criticize, Condemn, and Complain about the Sport of Hunting due so without any justifiable, valid, credible, or hands on  experience by participating in Hunting themselves.* You can bet they are not speaking from their own personal experience of having participated in Hunting.* However these people will attempt to separate or try to cast doubt upon others who do choose to Hunt.*... " Society will forever judge Hunters by their Compassion for the Animals that they Hunt for and Harvest."*... " Hunting is Fun and Enjoyable, Killing is neither Fun or Enjoyable."*.. We Hunters respect, honor, and appreciate the life of each animal that we Hunt for and Harvest for the Sport, and Food it provides for ourselves, family, friends, and fellow Hunters.*

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