
How many ants do you have to kill before they stop coming?

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How many ants do you have to kill before they stop coming into my kitchen...Every night I kill 20 or 30 ants in the sink, yet they keep coming...How many do I have to kill before they give up???




  1. All of them or they will just keep coming if you know where there nest is outside you can do what I usually do and I pour just a little bit of gasoline on the nest only and light it on fire and stir the nest with a shovel to  mix around the dirt so all the ants get fried and then I hose it off when I am done

  2. They will not give up until their queen dies.  The best way to get rid of ants without pesticides is use a mix of cinnamon and sugar. The ants will pick up the sugar, along with the cinnamon, and take it back to their queen. Ants can’t digest cinnamon and once the queen dies from not being able to digest the cinnamon the colony will die without her.

  3. You need to destroy their nest to get rid of them

  4. Not sure. Maybe you should make an example out of one of them to put the rest off entering again; try crucifixion as a message to the others... If it's good enough for the Romans...

  5. All of them !!!  Try Boric acid ( borax cleaner in powder form) mixed with sugar. Sprinkle this under sinks, cabinets etc where it will not be picked up by food, pets or little fingers. The sugar will attract the ants, then the boric acid will kill the ants. The dead ants will be carried back to the colony where they will be consumed by other ants and the boric acid in the dead ants will slowly spread through and kill the entire colony. Good Luck

  6. you have to kill all of them and destroy  their nest.. Also look around your kitchen and see if there is any food left out. You can also try looking for the source of them and if it's from like a hole in the wall you could spray it continuously to make sure they all died or seal it up.. or both.. lol

  7. You have display a toothe pick with several ant carcasses on it to set an example for the other ants.  You have show them what will happen if they maintain their insolence in your house.

  8. They will never give up, you need to trace them down to the source. Maybe rid of food left on the counter, in the sink, etc. If you have done all of that, then try to find where the ant bed is and put some ant killer on it. If all else fails call an exterminator.

  9. ask them to take you to their leader

    then squidge him

  10. All of them but there is no way. They will keep breeding and coming back. I saw a show call verminators and the poisoned one and an the and passed it on to the other ants and they all died. Find some sort of repellent or spray.

  11. get some ant traps and put them under the sink,u have to kill the nest

  12. I have the same problem.

    the answer get a ant exterminator.

    But get a ant trap meanwhile... works for me come here ant drink the poison...

  13. You just have to spray until they are gone. Spray inside and outside....that should take care of it after a couple of times.

  14. buy little ant traps...they eat the poison and bring it back with them and then it spreads like wild fire through there nesting area and they all die. I had the same problem and a week to ten days they were all gone.. I believe rid makes a good brand

  15. Go to the hardware store and get a product called Torrant or Torrent. It is like sugar water to the ants...them come and get it and take it back to their nest. After will never see them again. Good luck!

  16. Like a gajillion...I am having the same issue...I am losing my mind!!!!

  17. actually you should call a pest control guy or get some Terro ant killer spray it only costs about $3.00 to $7.00

  18. You have to buy a ant killer spray find the-ire little home and spray it in there otherwise it will never stop . I hate to kill them but outside in my petiole I have lots  

    of them . Every time I wash there they are gone for 3-5 days then it's full again. Good luck!!

  19. About 273 thats how many you need to kill =]

  20. They'll stop coming once you stop attracting them. You're probably leaving food out for them.

  21. You have to kill them and then display them on toothpicks to scare off the new ones coming in.  The new ones have no idea how many you've killed.  Maybe you can get a little stamp and a sign to display it to potential new intruders to ward them off.

  22. there is no use of killing them !! they will keep coming back over and over again !! its like u kill one .. two replace it !!!!!

    just don't let food out there !!

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