
How many apples and stuff do i need to ferment my own cider?

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i have a five gallon fermenter which i bought out of impulse from the internet. how many apples would i need and how much water, sugar and yeast? and what do i do with it all?





  1. You would be best to buy the cider.  You may be able to get it from a local orchard.

    Here's a recipe for an "apfelwein" that is fairly popular.  The recipe is called Edwort's Apfelwein. taken from


    5 Gallons 100% Apple Juice (No preservatives or additives)

    2 pounds of dextrose (corn sugar) in one pound bags

    1 five gram packet of Montrachet Wine Yeast

    Check the actual Edwort's  recipe for the instructions.  I made myself a small batch, and it seemed pretty good.  It gets better with age.  I'll probably make some more this fall if I can get fresh pressed cider from an orchard.

    If you're buying juice, or cider, make sure it doesn't have preservatives such as Potassium Sorbate.   These are there to stop fermentation.


  2. There are tons of recipes that vary quite a bit.

    looks like most use appel juice, not apples, but other than than that, most require 2 good containers/fermentors, not 1, and campden tablets to stop the fermentation if you want a sweeter cider.

    I would say a minimum of 1 gallon of juice/water, and at least 5 cups of sugar to start with... then the yeast are minimum to start with though.

  3. 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999

  4. Unless you have a crusher and a press, I suggest that you buy the cider already pressed. Kill any micro-organisms with metabisulfite tablets, wait a day, and pitch your yeast. I don't think that you are going to regret your impulse buy. As for recipes, you won't need water and may not need sugar. There are books on cider-making that have good recipes or you could get one of the winemaking books by CJJ Berry. I think he covers cider too.

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