
How many arab haitians are left in haiti

by Guest57815  |  earlier

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i read on wiki its only 4,600 or is it bigger like 40 thousand i live in cap haitien and there is only 35 arab haitians famlies there, so maybe 200 or so or 150 arabs in the city of cap, but in port au prince i have met many, does anyone know the numbers




  1. Dave, when I lived in P-au-P some years ago I believe there were more muslims but the way the various religions use food and education to lure people to join their religion was making a some serious inroads into any religions other than the Christian ones.

    I would not doubt the 4600 figure.  Food and clothes can be a big incentive to change religions and we both know the constant way the Haitian people are bombarded by the missionaries.

    During those years I was teaching at L'Ecole Ste Trinite during the week and working at the Clinic in Montrois on week-ends. So I had a chance to see both sides of Haitian life.

    I love the Island and miss the people and it's one of the few places I have seriously thought about moving back to.. ampil bagays J'amor

    Is the Breze de' Mer still in Business?  I stayed there a number of times when I had to go to O'Cap.

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