
How many are brothering about our political satuation?

by  |  earlier

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any one have answer to slove the crisis. Educated people come to slove the problem




  1. What situation, because you can vote the people in power out

    as long as you are not in a dictatorship...............................

  2. friend,your question is not clear.

    What is the situation?What is the country you are referring?

    What do you mean by brothering?

    Sir, kindly state  in detail with simple words, for any body to attempt to answer.

  3. We dont care about it at all. Its beyond the scope of sane person !!

  4. i am

    i don't think there is a single answer... there's so many probs after all

  5. Mate... You have to tell people where you live and what the situation is to get an answer - or they won't bother

  6. It is difficult. Politican can send educated person to police for more education.

  7. wow to vijay kumar's ans.

    this is the key.

  8. i have the solution.

  9. Merely thinking about a problem does not offer any solutions.

    Ask yourself: what I can do? Am I doing what I want to do?

    Discuss your views with your peer groups make an opinion and this would then start to count.

  10. Need is to change the whole system.

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