
How many are in this sweltering CA heat wave?

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I live in the East Bay, SF area, and we jumped from about mid 70's to 93 yesterday and about 101 today. My kids were on the Slip n Slide all afternoon, allowing me to only blast my a/c a couple of times today (and I know they tell you to keep it on and not do blasts for less power), but I set it at 78 a couple of times and can't possibly get below about 84 in my house without requiring a second mortgage before July.

Anyone? *ack, I hate sweating, sitting still*




  1. Yeah it's hot here too in Central Valley.  I had my air on just about all day today at my business.  I like the winter better than the summer!  Yeah I guess they say 78 degrees is where you should keep your AC at.

  2. I'm in Raleigh, NC and I love how warm it is here with the 80s.

    I can't wait til the 90s comes again here.

  3. Santa Cruz........SWELTERING DOESNT DESCRIBE IT! omg it is BLAZONG hot. im gonna die.....and today at school i got rings of sweat around everything from my back to my underarms. i hate p.e. too it makes me sweat even got up to 104 today and in the morning it was 86!!!!!! uhg well im with you!

  4. Yes, this is making me want to move to alaska... its at least 100 degrees here... it was nice and cool a few nights ago then BAM it was windy and hot at once, the wind has died down but its still roasting hot... i dont how much more of this i can take honestly. the AC is maxed out, it might as well not even be on its had no noticeable effect.

  5. samething in napa

  6. i feel ur pain i'm in salinas..high today was 98

  7. Sorry about your situation, If I could take it off your hands and move it to the Northeast I would. I love heat.

  8. I think I'll sleep at work and save on AC.  I live in Long Beach and at the moment it isn't too bad, of course we are getting a bit of a breeze.  Not looking forward to the weekend.

  9. ME!!!!!!! i live in san francisco i was in black :{ was at a funeral super hot!!i can't believe the weather

  10. I was down in the Rio Grande Valley (South Texas) and indeed it was very, very hot. It was in the mid 90's but felt like it was over 100 degrees. There was a burn ban in effect.

  11. I guess the northern part of the state has it worse than down here in the southern part.  It was only in the low 90's, with a mild off-shore breeze.  Tomorrow it's supposed to get near 100.  San Juan Capistrano area.

  12. i am!

  13. Bay Area here.

    It's sooo hot, I cannot stand it.

    Apparently, ants can't either. ):

    We're trying not to use the A/C cause we don't really want a blackout to happen anytime. Haha.

  14. I am freezing my butts off here in Melbourne right now without my heater working.

  15. I'm in the Sacramento area and had a hard time sleeping last night because it was very hot.At 5am this morning,it was 72º,today it was about 102º.The normal high around this time of year is 81º,which by the way was reached by 8am!!!

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