
How many are kicked out of the army ?

by  |  earlier

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would like to know how many servicemen or women that are combat vets who were removed from service with 3 years or more active duty time for misconduct,general,bad conduct ,other or dishonorable. don't ask don't tell policy does not apply




  1. I can tell you I've never seen it and that it is highly unlikely. Dishonorable discharge is VERY serious, and not too common.

  2. Think of it this way.  How many people who have worked at Walmart have been sent to jail.  The military is nothing more than a slice of the Civilian world.  And the military sends plenty of dirt bags to war.  Nothing is perfect.  Having 'facilitated' in the removal of numerous Army service members for misconduct (criminal), it does happen.  But I can say with out a doubt, their removal made the Army a better place.  Most get a general or other.  A few get bad conduct, and very few get dishonorable.  Dishonorable can only be done if the person receives it as part of punishment from a Courts Martial.

    p.s. Courts Martial is nothing but military word for criminal trial.  

  3. You have to be really retarded to get a dishonorable discharge.

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