
How many are still in denial that HD-DVD is dead?

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just curious since it's pretty obvious now




  1. HD DVD is down on the ground and it doesn't look like it's getting back up for the 10 count....but it's not dead until Paramount, Universal and Dreamworks all go Blu-Ray exclusive.

    So I think there are lots of people including you that are in denial about Blu-Ray winning the format war when it hasn't officially won yet.

    Don't get me wrong I know Blu-Ray will win, and they are closer than ever to that....they're just not there yet. There's that one last hurdle of Paramount, Universal and Dreamworks that stands in the way.


    They both offer the same thing. High definition video and Audio on a disk plain and simple. BluRay seems to have won because of unscupulous marketing tactics and a better player manufacturer base. Meaning there are more component manufacturers who are building bluray players.

    The only thing Blu Ray has over HDDVD is memory... MEMORY!!!... This is almost the exact same thing as Beta and VHS and to top it off Memory doesn't mean squat. You can't record on em yet. When you can who cares. You will not be able to record on BluRay in real time for quite some time. Look at how long it took for DVD recorders to come out after regular DVD. By that time someone else will have produced something "newer and better"

  3. It probably will be, but it isn't dead until Toshiba and/or the remaining studios an/or retailers drop it. None of those things have happened yet.

  4. Everone in this war is crazy

    Both formats are the same and both produce 1080p it's just a matter of what name you like better Blue Ray or HD

    The storage makes no difference since a 2 hour movie is a 2 hour movie. When the credits roll I never say god I wish this disk had more space.

    Blue Rays is in the lead because the sony corp are n**i's and they made everyone believe there format was better. Any person with any sense knows they both produce the same SAME picture.

  5. I'm with you. So are these people.

    Indications are strong that Universal and Dreamworks are switching from HD DVD to Blu-Ray. Especially the fact that at the CES they made NO new HD DVD release announcement which only makes sense if they no longer support the format.

    This gives Blu-Ray about 85% of the movies out of Hollywood.

    It is unfortunate because I really like Toshiba and this hurts them.

    This will help the category though. Too many people were holding out on making a purchase until they could be sure that movies would be available. Now that 2nd tier manufacturers are getting into the picture (Funai announced a $299 BD player) the prices will go down further. I see posts that Sony will now drive up the prices but Sony doesn't dictate prices. The market does. Determine for yourself what you are willing to pay and eventually you will get your price. My prediction is that Walmart will have a $199 or less player by Christmas. Easily.

    Blu-Ray will never get as big as DVD did (I don't think) but it is the winner of the HD Disc war. They didn't win because they were better but because they did a better job marketing. Just like every other format, technology or product that has become a winner did.

    Now comes internet movie downloads.

    Edit: NY Times just announced that Universal and Paramount are no longer HD DVD exclusive.


  6. HD DVD was dead the day Sony Said PLAYSTATION 3

  7. DOA

    Maria:  You're going to think HDDVD sucks until the entertainment industry becomes SonyWorld and they control prices, distribution, and everything else about it.  They had to be good to gain control but just like the US auto industry - the decline of quality and affordability will soon follow.

  8. I have a blu-ray.  HD sucks!

  9. I'm in denial still.  Currently seeking therapy.

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