
How many attempts before you passed your practical driving test?

by  |  earlier

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unfortunately failed mine 1st time and would like to know of any body elses experiences also how long after failing can i do the test again. Thanks people x




  1. i passed my practical first time but it took 2 attempts to pass the theory test. everyone is different hun good luck for next time !!

  2. I passed 2nd time - failed on reverse park, just gave up halfway through and sat there in the middle of the road!!!!

    Did put in for it straight away though and after 2 weeks of solid reverse parking managed to pass my test!

    Don't give up!

  3. only the one :)

  4. Well im from australia and you have to be 16 just to start learning how to drive!!!! So i havent gone for mine yet.  My dad however took 4 tries when he was 17.  My sister got hers first time.  There more likely to pass females for some reason.

  5. sorry you failed first time please do not give up failed mine about 7 yes i did put 7 times before i passed everything that could and did happen to me from some idiot on one of my tests coming the wrong way down the road straight towards me, my hilarious nerve wrecking and freaky moments on tests would be to long to tell .

    But the one thing i will say no matter how long it took the freedom was well worth it  so don't ever give up good luck for next time the mouse

  6. you can applly straight after but it has to be 10 days after your last test - i just passed

  7. i passed first go.

  8. Passed first time, much to my husbands horror!  He thought I would never pass it at all, he still won't put me on his insurance to drive his cars 16 years later!

    Keep trying you will get there!

  9. i failed mine the first time too..i was 8 months pregnant and it was kind of hard to drive at the time.. my belly was so big i couldn't do the parallel parking that good because when i tried to back up my belly would get caught under the stirring wheel,,but the second time around i had my husband to adjust the seat better for

  10. you can apply again straight after.

    i failed mines 1st time.. infact i dont know many that pass 1st time. passed it 2nd time round lol tho i had 14 minors.. so just made it by the skin of me teeth :)

    good luck with ur's :)

  11. I passed first time, it depends on how busy the driving place is but usually it's 2-3 weeks i think

  12. You can book straight away.

    I passed second time.

    The main tip to remember is...Check your mirrors all the time. If you do something wrong (stall, bump curb) Don't panic just carry on. If they see your panicking they are more likely to fail as they think you can't cope under pressure.

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