
How many automobile accidents ending in fatalities involve tractor trailors annually?

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How many automobile accidents ending in fatalities involve tractor trailors annually?




  1. They make up 12.2% of fatal accidents nationwide according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and we have around 46,000 accidents a year in the United States.....

  2. I don't know

  3. From the fine law firm of Warrenton, Fauqier, and Culpepper of Fairfax, Virginia:

    Tractor Trailer Accident Facts

    When reading these facts, especially those that compare large truck statistics with those for passenger vehicles, keep in mind that large trucks account for only 3% of the registered vehicles on America’s roads.

    About 5,000 fatal tractor trailer accidents occur each year, and about 100 of those occur in Virginia.  According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 1 out of every 9 fatal accidents involves a tractor trailer.

    Of those killed in a tractor trailer accident, 76% were occupants of another vehicle, 9% were non-occupants, and 15% were occupants of the tractor trailer.  This just goes to show that in a large truck accident, the victim is usually the driver of the smaller vehicle.

    The fatality rate for tractor trailer accidents is nearly double that of passenger vehicles.

  4. Don't have stats specifically for tractor trailers. DOT doesn't track things that way

    For 2002

    Commercial Motor Vehicles Involved In Crashes - 64,810

    Commercial Motor Vehicles Involved In Fatal Crashes - 2,571

    Fatalities - 3,239

  5. The following text is from the Federal Motor Carriers Safety Administration's "Large Truck Crash Facts".  (the Link is listed below)

     Over the past 20 years (from 1986 to 2006) there has been a 49-percent increase in registered

    large trucks and a 76-percent increase in miles traveled by large trucks.

     Over the same time period, the number of large trucks involved in fatal crashes has declined by

    7 percent, and the vehicle involvement rate for large trucks in fatal crashes has declined by

    47 percent.

     Over the past 10 years (from 1996 to 2006) there has been a 23-percent increase in registered

    large trucks and a 22-percent increase in miles traveled by large trucks.

     From 1996 to 2006, the number of buses involved in fatal crashes declined by 8 percent, while the

    vehicle involvement rate for buses in fatal crashes declined by 14 percent.

     From 1996 to 2006, on average, intercity buses accounted for 12 percent of all buses involved in

    fatal crashes, and school buses and transit buses accounted for 39 percent and 35 percent,

    respectively, of all buses involved in fatal crashes.

     The number of large trucks involved in injury crashes has decreased by 14 percent over the past 10 years, and the vehicle involvement rate for large trucks in injury crashes has declined by

    30 percent.

     The number of large trucks involved in property damage only crashes has increased by 2 percent

    over the past 10 years, and the vehicle involvement rate for large trucks in property damage only crashes has declined by 17 percent.

     Alcohol involvement (blood alcohol concentration of 0.01 gram per deciliter [g/dL] or more) for large truck drivers in fatal crashes has declined by 13 percent over the past 10 years.

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