
How many babies will a female mouse usually have?

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Im wondering how many babies a female would have because im thinking of get one. Plus will to males fight together???




  1. a female mouse can have anywhere between 4-12 babies! i would suggest that you don't breed one, because there are already plenty of breeders and you would just have to find homes for all of them, just leave it to the people that know wha tthye are doing.

    no affence though!

    and yes most likely two males will fight, but not always.mice are VERY social and LOVE to have other mice from the same litter and same s*x with them, you can get two males, and they could get along just fine, but if they do start to really fight then you need to separat ethem emedietly!  

  2. I used to raise pet mice, and they usually had between 6-10 babies, but I once had one that had 16!  A few in that litter didn't survive, and a couple were runts and not too healthy.

    The chances of two males fighting are pretty good.  One may end up dominating the other and there won't be any fighting after that.  But don't take the chance because the fights can be deadly.  If you want a couple good pets, your chances are better with two females.  

    PLEASE don't consider breeding mice.  It can get out of control very easily, and you'll be overrun with too many mice and not enough cages to separate the males from females.  Females are only pregnant for about 3 weeks, and they are ready to breed again about 3 or 4 weeks after giving birth.

    I don't even have to mention the awful smell from having all those cages.

  3. Litter size varies, but the average is 8-10 pups.  Two males will often fight if put together & could hurt each other.  Males from the same litter, or who have known each other since they were pups, will usually get along.

  4. 6-10 =)

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