
How many bags of cement do I need for a 5 X 4 X 4 area.?

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How many pounds is that? I want to redo 1 slab of my sidewalk.

It is 5 feet by 4 feet and I want it 4 feet deep.





  1. Are you sure? 4 feet deep... it only needs to be about 4" inches deep

  2. You would have to look on the bag to see how much it will cover.

    Good luck

  3. hi

    are you sure you want it four feet deep? that would be 80 sq ft. thats a lot. it easier to order it from a 'ready made 'concrete company who can deliver it with a cement mixer and pour it down the hole.

  4. buy 17 bags of quickcrete concrete mix(80lb. bags) and take back what you dont use...

  5. I have to assume that you meant to say that you want your sidewalk slab to be 4 inches thick -- that is one third of a foot.  Therefore each square foot will take 1 third of a cubic foot of concrete.  To cover the 20 sq.ft. will take about 7 cubic feet of concrete.  Allowing for a little waste in placement and uneven base, allow 9 cubic feet -- that is one third of a cubic yard.

    For such a small project you may choose to buy cement already mixed with sand and gravel in a bag - even though this is quite expensive per cubic foot.   Read on the bag how many cubic feet the bag will make.

    If, however, you choose to mix your own, one standard 80 pound bag of cement will just about do it.  Mix it with clean sand and crushed rock (max 3/4") in the ratio of :  1 spadeful cement, 2 spadesful of sand and 3 spadesful of rock.  Use a minimum amount of water and mix thoroughly.

    Place the mixed concrete in the forms and rap the edges of the forms with a heavy hammer to settle the concrete.  Be sure the forms are completely filled, then screet across the top of the forms with a 2x4 in a "sawing, back and forth" motion.  (Get a friend on the other end of a 2x4 x 8')

    Let the concrete cure for about 45 - 60 minutes until the water sheen disappears from the surface.  Then smooth the surface with a steel trowel and use an edger trowel to bevel the edges along the forms.

    If you want a slip resistant finish, now is the time to gently draw a wet corn broom across the surface of your walkway.

    By the way, before you even begin this project, make sure the base under the proposed walk is well drained and firmly compacted.  Use crushed rock and sand, wet it thoroughly and tamp it down well with one end of a 4 x 4.  Wet the base again before you pour or your concrete will cure too quickly.

    As soon as the concrete has set firmly (3 hours?) and can't be easily marked with your finger, cover it with plastic and flood the surface with water.  Keep it covered and wet for at least 5 days or longer.  Concrete doesn't reach full strength for at least 21 days and if it dries too quickly will later flake off.

    Have fun.

  6. depends on the size of the bags

  7. ALOT...

  8. Look at the bags. The should tell you how many cubic feet of cement they'll make. You need enough bags to add up to 80 cubic feet.

    Or if it gives the number of gallons, remember that 1 cubic foot is about 7 1/2 gallons. so you need about 600 gallons.

  9. OK, you have a lot of answers, many of which are in conflict.  Let's look at this situation.  First of all, there is no way you are pouring a sidewalk 4 feet deep, so we'll go with 4".  You have 6-2/3 cu. ft. in your pour (5*4*.33).  An 80 lb bag of Sakrete is equal to 2/3 cu. ft.  Divide 6-2/3 by 2/3, and you have 10 bags of concrete you will need.  I would get 12, just in case the substrate is off a little.  You don't want to have to stop in the middle of a pour.  That will leave a cold joint, which will be a weak point.  Hope this helps to clear this up.  Good luck.

  10. You want it four feet deep?


  11. Enough to produce atleast 80 cubic feet of cement.  4 feet deep? Really?

  12. That is about a 1/4 yard of concrete.

    Normal concrete mixes use 5 sacks (80 lb sacks) of cement in a yard of concrete. 5 sacks will make a mix strong enough for a driveway. You could likely get by with a bit less cement and water but the mix gets hard to level and work.

    So I would say between one and two bags of cement.

    Mixing it with a little bit extra cement and water (not much) will make it easier to place and finish.

    You should not need more than a sack and a half, one bag of cement would give you a mix strong enough for a walkway


    Old Hippy gave an excellent answer.

  13. Hmmmmm about 300

  14. Boy, that's one collosal sidewalk!! 4 feet deep! Who are you burying?

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