
How many barb fishes should i get for a 20-30 gallon tank?

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I know I should get at least 6 of them since htey like being in a school but can I mix and match?

For example get 2 of tiger barbs, 2 albino barbs, and 2 other kinds..?

Also if I get 1 livebearer like a platy would that be a problem?

Im planning to equip my tank in the following way:

29 gallon tank:

6 barbs (mix and match)

2-3 gouramis

1 platy

1 type of algae eater maybe otoclinus...

1 red tail shark.

what do you think?

I don't want to have too many live bearers since I will not be getting any more tanks or upgrading.




  1. The general rule is 1 inch of fish per gallon.  If your new fish are 2 inches long, that would be 15 fish although, to me, that would be a bit too much.  Take into consideration your fish will grow and when a tank is overcrowded  you end up with sick, weak fish and very dirty water.  I have a 30 gallon tank and have 10 fish and 2 large snails.  Here is an excellent site, give this a try:

  2. id get

    6 tiger barbs

    1 rubber liped pleco

    1 red tail black shark

    3 green cory cats

    no gouramis because the barbs mite eat there fins and no live breeder they **** alot

    so there u go top middle and bottem covered with fish and one that cleans

    go here and check them out

  3. Just a little advice, three people i know, and myself all had gouramis, they ate everysingle one our all of our fish.

    They are not nice.

    Don't get anything that titles "semi-agressive".

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