
How many bats in the belfry are TOO many?

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How many bats in the belfry are TOO many?




  1. ninja fight.

  2. 13

  3. When you're ankle deep in their poopy. I forget what it's called. lol

    Is it bat guana or something that sounds like that. lol

  4. Well Ricky, I said to myself when I saw this question...

    Self...How many bats are in me belfry?  and I had to conclude that I don't have a belfry, so I don't have any bats...So I have to think that IF a person FINDS a bat or battle for that matter, It would be one too many...

  5. Dead or alive ones?

  6. As many as peppers that Peter Piper picked. A bushel I think,

  7. I have included links to information on bats and the word belfy.

    I have also included a link to the Parapsychological Association so you can inform yourself of what parapsychology studies (hint it usually does not include bats).


  8. It's called guano.

  9. When the bats are in the psychiatrist's belfry .

  10. 2500

    twenty five hundred.

  11. they are like pidgeons to me, they are nice to look at but d**n they leave a one is too many to have hanging around.

  12. When it is worse than having a kangaroo loose in the top paddock.


  13. I like bats. They eat mosquitos and other pesky insects. I would like to have a few bats in my belfry (for that matter, I'd like to have a belfry), but not too many bats. Maybe a hundred or so, but that's it.

  14. There are too many when you can't hear the bells.

  15. I am getting 5 1/2.

  16. I've got a couple, so I would have to say that there's room for at least a small family.  The problem with most people isn't that they have too many bats in the bellfry.  It's that they are convinced that they have NO bats up there.  It's much better to know that you are a little crazy than to walk around thinking that you are sane when you are actually a bit deluded.

  17. two.

  18. Ozzie Osbourne would say: What belfry?

  19. Never enough!

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