
How many beautiful liberal women do you know?

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I know 20 in the last month..

cause they were easy...




  1. I guarantee that the ugliest Democrat woman doesn't have Republican Bush!

  2. me!!! and  a bunch other people in this town you might as well bomb us like you guys bombed Iraq.  oh yeah and I'm Not easy I'm married   how many tanning beds have you fried yourself in!! not to mention  should it really matter how hot anyone is running for government  nixon one didn't he?

  3. What's the main difference between Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin?

    Chelsea's too ugly!  Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!

  4. Rosie O'Donald and Rosanne

  5. Ever been to LA?  

  6. 3, no really I know 3 really hot liberal ladies 2 of them I've dated.  

  7. Feel free to come to my college campus.  

    There are more FINE girls than you would know what to do with, and most of them are liberal.

  8. the vast majority of people where i live (sf bay area) are liberal

    and there are lots of beautiful women where i live

  9. none. liberal women look like men and like other women. liberal men act like girls  

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